""" Copyright (c) 2017-2019 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations """ import sys import os from string import printable from copy import deepcopy from mock import MagicMock, patch from hypothesis import given, settings, HealthCheck from hypothesis.strategies import text, lists, fixed_dictionaries, booleans """Tests for the toolchain sub-system""" ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..")) sys.path.insert(0, ROOT) from tools.toolchains import ( TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES, TOOLCHAIN_PATHS, mbedToolchain, ) from tools.resources import LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES, Resources, FileType from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP, set_targets_json_location from tools.notifier.mock import MockNotifier ALPHABET = [char for char in printable if char not in [u'.', u'/', u'\\']] #Create a global test target test_target_map = TARGET_MAP["K64F"] #We have to add ARMC5,UARM here to supported_toolchains, otherwise the creation of ARM class would fail as it won't find ARMC5 entry in supported_toolchains #We also have to add uARM, cause, ARM_MICRO class would check for both uARM and ARMC5 in supported_toolchains(as ARM_MICRO represents ARMC5+Micro). #And do this globally here so all tests can use this test_target_map.supported_toolchains.append("ARMC5") test_target_map.supported_toolchains.append("uARM") @patch('tools.toolchains.arm.run_cmd') def test_armc5_version_check(_run_cmd): set_targets_json_location() _run_cmd.return_value = (""" Product: ARM Compiler 5.06 Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 5 (build 528) Tool: armcc [4d3621] """, "", 0) notifier = MockNotifier() target_map = TARGET_MAP["K64F"] #We have to add ARMC5 here to supported_toolchains, otherwise the creation of ARM class would fail as it wont find ARMC5 entry in supported_toolchains target_map.supported_toolchains.append("ARMC5") toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES["ARM"](target_map, notify=notifier) toolchain.version_check() assert notifier.messages == [] _run_cmd.return_value = (""" Product: MDK Professional 5.22 Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 5 (build 528) Tool: armcc [4d3621] """, "", 0) toolchain.version_check() assert notifier.messages == [] _run_cmd.return_value = (""" Product: ARM Compiler Component: ARM Compiler Tool: armcc [4d3621] """, "", 0) toolchain.version_check() assert len(notifier.messages) == 1 @patch('tools.toolchains.arm.run_cmd') def test_armc6_version_check(_run_cmd): set_targets_json_location() notifier = MockNotifier() print(TARGET_MAP["K64F"]) toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES["ARMC6"](TARGET_MAP["K64F"], notify=notifier) print(toolchain) _run_cmd.return_value = (""" Product: ARM Compiler 6.11 Professional Component: ARM Compiler 6.11 Tool: armclang [5d3b4200] """, "", 0) toolchain.version_check() assert notifier.messages == [] @patch('tools.toolchains.iar.run_cmd') def test_iar_version_check(_run_cmd): set_targets_json_location() _run_cmd.return_value = (""" IAR ANSI C/C++ Compiler V8.32.1/LNX for ARM """, "", 0) notifier = MockNotifier() toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES["IAR"](TARGET_MAP["K64F"], notify=notifier) toolchain.version_check() assert notifier.messages == [] _run_cmd.return_value = (""" IAR ANSI C/C++ Compiler V/LNX for ARM """, "", 0) toolchain.version_check() assert len(notifier.messages) == 1 _run_cmd.return_value = (""" IAR ANSI C/C++ Compiler V/8.80LNX for ARM """, "", 0) toolchain.version_check() assert len(notifier.messages) == 2 @patch('tools.toolchains.gcc.run_cmd') def test_gcc_version_check(_run_cmd): set_targets_json_location() _run_cmd.return_value = (""" arm-none-eabi-gcc (Arch Repository) 6.4.4 Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. """, "", 0) notifier = MockNotifier() toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES["GCC_ARM"]( TARGET_MAP["K64F"], notify=notifier) toolchain.version_check() assert notifier.messages == [] _run_cmd.return_value = (""" arm-none-eabi-gcc (Arch Repository) 8.1.0 Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. """, "", 0) toolchain.version_check() assert len(notifier.messages) == 1 _run_cmd.return_value = (""" arm-none-eabi-gcc (Arch Repository) Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. """, "", 0) toolchain.version_check() assert len(notifier.messages) == 2 @given(fixed_dictionaries({ 'common': lists(text()), 'c': lists(text()), 'cxx': lists(text()), 'asm': lists(text()), 'ld': lists(text())}), lists(text(min_size=1, alphabet=ALPHABET), min_size=1)) @settings(suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow]) def test_toolchain_profile_c(profile, source_file): """Test that the appropriate profile parameters are passed to the C compiler""" filename = deepcopy(source_file) filename[-1] += ".c" to_compile = os.path.join(*filename) set_targets_json_location() with patch('os.mkdir') as _mkdir: for _, tc_class in TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items(): toolchain = tc_class(test_target_map, build_profile=profile, notify=MockNotifier()) toolchain.inc_md5 = "" toolchain.build_dir = "" toolchain.config = MagicMock(app_config_location=None) for parameter in profile['c'] + profile['common']: assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in toolchain.cc), \ "Toolchain %s did not propagate arg %s" % (toolchain.name, parameter) compile_command = toolchain.compile_command(to_compile, to_compile + ".o", []) for parameter in profile['c'] + profile['common']: assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in compile_command), \ "Toolchain %s did not propagate arg %s" % (toolchain.name, parameter) @given(fixed_dictionaries({ 'common': lists(text()), 'c': lists(text()), 'cxx': lists(text()), 'asm': lists(text()), 'ld': lists(text())}), lists(text(min_size=1, alphabet=ALPHABET), min_size=1)) @settings(suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow]) def test_toolchain_profile_cpp(profile, source_file): """Test that the appropriate profile parameters are passed to the C++ compiler""" filename = deepcopy(source_file) filename[-1] += ".cpp" to_compile = os.path.join(*filename) with patch('os.mkdir') as _mkdir: for _, tc_class in TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items(): toolchain = tc_class(test_target_map, build_profile=profile, notify=MockNotifier()) toolchain.inc_md5 = "" toolchain.build_dir = "" toolchain.config = MagicMock(app_config_location=None) for parameter in profile['cxx'] + profile['common']: assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in toolchain.cppc), \ "Toolchain %s did not propagate arg %s" % (toolchain.name, parameter) compile_command = toolchain.compile_command(to_compile, to_compile + ".o", []) for parameter in profile['cxx'] + profile['common']: assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in compile_command), \ "Toolchain %s did not propagate arg %s" % (toolchain.name, parameter) @given(fixed_dictionaries({ 'common': lists(text()), 'c': lists(text()), 'cxx': lists(text()), 'asm': lists(text()), 'ld': lists(text())}), lists(text(min_size=1, alphabet=ALPHABET), min_size=1)) @settings(suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow]) def test_toolchain_profile_asm(profile, source_file): """Test that the appropriate profile parameters are passed to the Assembler""" filename = deepcopy(source_file) filename[-1] += ".s" to_compile = os.path.join(*filename) with patch('os.mkdir') as _mkdir: for _, tc_class in TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items(): toolchain = tc_class(test_target_map, build_profile=profile, notify=MockNotifier()) toolchain.inc_md5 = "" toolchain.build_dir = "" toolchain.config = MagicMock() toolchain.config.get_config_data_macros.return_value = [] for parameter in profile['asm']: assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in toolchain.asm), \ "Toolchain %s did not propagate arg %s" % (toolchain.name, parameter) compile_command = toolchain.compile_command(to_compile, to_compile + ".o", []) if not compile_command: assert compile_command, to_compile for parameter in profile['asm']: assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in compile_command), \ "Toolchain %s did not propagate arg %s" % (toolchain.name, parameter) for name, Class in TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items(): CLS = Class(test_target_map, notify=MockNotifier()) assert name == CLS.name or name == LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES[CLS.name] @given(fixed_dictionaries({ 'common': lists(text()), 'c': lists(text()), 'cxx': lists(text()), 'asm': lists(text()), 'ld': lists(text(min_size=1))}), lists(text(min_size=1, alphabet=ALPHABET), min_size=1)) @settings(suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow]) def test_toolchain_profile_ld(profile, source_file): """Test that the appropriate profile parameters are passed to the Linker""" filename = deepcopy(source_file) filename[-1] += ".o" to_compile = os.path.join(*filename) with patch('os.mkdir') as _mkdir,\ patch('tools.toolchains.mbedToolchain.default_cmd') as _dflt_cmd: for _, tc_class in TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items(): toolchain = tc_class(test_target_map, build_profile=profile, notify=MockNotifier()) toolchain.RESPONSE_FILES = False toolchain.inc_md5 = "" toolchain.build_dir = "" for parameter in profile['ld']: assert any(parameter in cmd for cmd in toolchain.ld), \ "Toolchain %s did not propagate arg %s" % (toolchain.name, parameter) toolchain.link(to_compile + ".elf", [to_compile], [], [], None) compile_cmd = _dflt_cmd.call_args_list if not compile_cmd: assert compile_cmd, to_compile for parameter in profile['ld']: assert any(parameter in cmd[0][0] for cmd in compile_cmd), \ "Toolchain %s did not propagate arg %s" % (toolchain.name, parameter) for name, Class in TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES.items(): CLS = Class(test_target_map, notify=MockNotifier()) assert name == CLS.name or name == LEGACY_TOOLCHAIN_NAMES[CLS.name] @given(lists(text(alphabet=ALPHABET, min_size=1), min_size=1)) def test_detect_duplicates(filenames): c_sources = [os.path.join(name, "dupe.c") for name in filenames] s_sources = [os.path.join(name, "dupe.s") for name in filenames] cpp_sources = [os.path.join(name, "dupe.cpp") for name in filenames] notify = MockNotifier() res = Resources(notify) res.add_files_to_type(FileType.C_SRC, c_sources) res.add_files_to_type(FileType.ASM_SRC, s_sources) res.add_files_to_type(FileType.CPP_SRC, cpp_sources) assert res.detect_duplicates() == 1,\ "Not Enough duplicates found" notification = notify.messages[0] assert "dupe.o" in notification["message"] assert "dupe.s" in notification["message"] assert "dupe.c" in notification["message"] assert "dupe.cpp" in notification["message"] @given(text(alphabet=ALPHABET + [os.sep], min_size=1)) @given(booleans()) @given(booleans()) @settings(max_examples=20) def test_path_specified_gcc(gcc_loc, exists_at_loc, exists_in_path): with patch('tools.toolchains.gcc.exists') as _exists: with patch('tools.toolchains.gcc.find_executable') as _find: _exists.return_value = exists_at_loc _find.return_value = exists_in_path TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_ARM'] = gcc_loc toolchain_class = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES["GCC_ARM"] found_p = toolchain_class.check_executable() assert found_p == (exists_at_loc or exists_in_path) if exists_at_loc: assert TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_ARM'] == gcc_loc elif exists_in_path: assert TOOLCHAIN_PATHS['GCC_ARM'] == ''