#!/usr/bin/env python """Memory Map File Analyser for ARM mbed""" from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta from sys import stdout, exit, argv from os import sep from os.path import (basename, dirname, join, relpath, abspath, commonprefix, splitext) import re import csv import json from argparse import ArgumentParser from copy import deepcopy from collections import defaultdict from prettytable import PrettyTable from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, StrictUndefined from jinja2.environment import Environment from .utils import (argparse_filestring_type, argparse_lowercase_hyphen_type, argparse_uppercase_type) class _Parser(object): """Internal interface for parsing""" __metaclass__ = ABCMeta SECTIONS = ('.text', '.data', '.bss', '.heap', '.stack') MISC_FLASH_SECTIONS = ('.interrupts', '.flash_config') OTHER_SECTIONS = ('.interrupts_ram', '.init', '.ARM.extab', '.ARM.exidx', '.ARM.attributes', '.eh_frame', '.init_array', '.fini_array', '.jcr', '.stab', '.stabstr', '.ARM.exidx', '.ARM') def __init__(self): self.modules = dict() def module_add(self, object_name, size, section): """ Adds a module or section to the list Positional arguments: object_name - name of the entry to add size - the size of the module being added section - the section the module contributes to """ if not object_name or not size or not section: return if object_name in self.modules: self.modules[object_name].setdefault(section, 0) self.modules[object_name][section] += size return obj_split = sep + basename(object_name) for module_path, contents in self.modules.items(): if module_path.endswith(obj_split) or module_path == object_name: contents.setdefault(section, 0) contents[section] += size return new_module = defaultdict(int) new_module[section] = size self.modules[object_name] = new_module def module_replace(self, old_object, new_object): """ Replaces an object name with a new one """ if old_object in self.modules: self.modules[new_object] = self.modules[old_object] del self.modules[old_object] @abstractmethod def parse_mapfile(self, mapfile): """Parse a given file object pointing to a map file Positional arguments: mapfile - an open file object that reads a map file return value - a dict mapping from object names to section dicts, where a section dict maps from sections to sizes """ raise NotImplemented class _GccParser(_Parser): RE_OBJECT_FILE = re.compile(r'^(.+\/.+\.o)$') RE_LIBRARY_OBJECT = re.compile(r'^.+' + r''.format(sep) + r'lib((.+\.a)\((.+\.o)\))$') RE_STD_SECTION = re.compile(r'^\s+.*0x(\w{8,16})\s+0x(\w+)\s(.+)$') RE_FILL_SECTION = re.compile(r'^\s*\*fill\*\s+0x(\w{8,16})\s+0x(\w+).*$') ALL_SECTIONS = _Parser.SECTIONS + _Parser.OTHER_SECTIONS + \ _Parser.MISC_FLASH_SECTIONS + ('unknown', 'OUTPUT') def check_new_section(self, line): """ Check whether a new section in a map file has been detected Positional arguments: line - the line to check for a new section return value - A section name, if a new section was found, False otherwise """ for i in self.ALL_SECTIONS: if line.startswith(i): # should name of the section (assuming it's a known one) return i if line.startswith('.'): return 'unknown' # all others are classified are unknown else: return False # everything else, means no change in section def parse_object_name(self, line): """ Parse a path to object file Positional arguments: line - the path to parse the object and module name from return value - an object file name """ test_re_mbed_os_name = re.match(self.RE_OBJECT_FILE, line) if test_re_mbed_os_name: object_name = test_re_mbed_os_name.group(1) # corner case: certain objects are provided by the GCC toolchain if 'arm-none-eabi' in line: return join('[lib]', 'misc', basename(object_name)) return object_name else: test_re_obj_name = re.match(self.RE_LIBRARY_OBJECT, line) if test_re_obj_name: return join('[lib]', test_re_obj_name.group(2), test_re_obj_name.group(3)) else: print("Unknown object name found in GCC map file: %s" % line) return '[misc]' def parse_section(self, line): """ Parse data from a section of gcc map file examples: 0x00004308 0x7c ./BUILD/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/hal/targets/hal/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KPSDK_MCUS/spi_api.o .text 0x00000608 0x198 ./BUILD/K64F/GCC_ARM/mbed-os/core/mbed-rtos/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/TARGET_RTOS_M4_M7/TOOLCHAIN/HAL_CM4.o Positional arguments: line - the line to parse a section from """ is_fill = re.match(self.RE_FILL_SECTION, line) if is_fill: o_name = '[fill]' o_size = int(is_fill.group(2), 16) return [o_name, o_size] is_section = re.match(self.RE_STD_SECTION, line) if is_section: o_size = int(is_section.group(2), 16) if o_size: o_name = self.parse_object_name(is_section.group(3)) return [o_name, o_size] return ["", 0] def parse_mapfile(self, file_desc): """ Main logic to decode gcc map files Positional arguments: file_desc - a stream object to parse as a gcc map file """ current_section = 'unknown' with file_desc as infile: for line in infile: if line.startswith('Linker script and memory map'): current_section = "unknown" break for line in infile: next_section = self.check_new_section(line) if next_section == "OUTPUT": break elif next_section: current_section = next_section object_name, object_size = self.parse_section(line) self.module_add(object_name, object_size, current_section) common_prefix = dirname(commonprefix([ o for o in self.modules.keys() if (o.endswith(".o") and not o.startswith("[lib]"))])) new_modules = {} for name, stats in self.modules.items(): if name.startswith("[lib]"): new_modules[name] = stats elif name.endswith(".o"): new_modules[relpath(name, common_prefix)] = stats else: new_modules[name] = stats return new_modules class _ArmccParser(_Parser): RE = re.compile( r'^\s+0x(\w{8})\s+0x(\w{8})\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+[*]?.+\s+(.+)$') RE_OBJECT = re.compile(r'(.+\.(l|ar))\((.+\.o)\)') def parse_object_name(self, line): """ Parse object file Positional arguments: line - the line containing the object or library """ if line.endswith(".o"): return line else: is_obj = re.match(self.RE_OBJECT, line) if is_obj: return join('[lib]', basename(is_obj.group(1)), is_obj.group(3)) else: print("Malformed input found when parsing ARMCC map: %s" % line) return '[misc]' def parse_section(self, line): """ Parse data from an armcc map file Examples of armcc map file: Base_Addr Size Type Attr Idx E Section Name Object 0x00000000 0x00000400 Data RO 11222 self.RESET startup_MK64F12.o 0x00000410 0x00000008 Code RO 49364 * !!!main c_w.l(__main.o) Positional arguments: line - the line to parse the section data from """ test_re = re.match(self.RE, line) if test_re: size = int(test_re.group(2), 16) if test_re.group(4) == 'RO': section = '.text' else: if test_re.group(3) == 'Data': section = '.data' elif test_re.group(3) == 'Zero': section = '.bss' elif test_re.group(3) == 'Code': section = '.text' else: print("Malformed input found when parsing armcc map: %s, %r" % (line, test_re.groups())) return ["", 0, ""] # check name of object or library object_name = self.parse_object_name( test_re.group(6)) return [object_name, size, section] else: return ["", 0, ""] def parse_mapfile(self, file_desc): """ Main logic to decode armc5 map files Positional arguments: file_desc - a file like object to parse as an armc5 map file """ with file_desc as infile: # Search area to parse for line in infile: if line.startswith(' Base Addr Size'): break # Start decoding the map file for line in infile: self.module_add(*self.parse_section(line)) common_prefix = dirname(commonprefix([ o for o in self.modules.keys() if (o.endswith(".o") and o != "anon$$obj.o" and not o.startswith("[lib]"))])) new_modules = {} for name, stats in self.modules.items(): if name == "anon$$obj.o" or name.startswith("[lib]"): new_modules[name] = stats elif name.endswith(".o"): new_modules[relpath(name, common_prefix)] = stats else: new_modules[name] = stats return new_modules class _IarParser(_Parser): RE = re.compile( r'^\s+(.+)\s+(zero|const|ro code|inited|uninit)\s' r'+0x(\w{8})\s+0x(\w+)\s+(.+)\s.+$') RE_CMDLINE_FILE = re.compile(r'^#\s+(.+\.o)') RE_LIBRARY = re.compile(r'^(.+\.a)\:.+$') RE_OBJECT_LIBRARY = re.compile(r'^\s+(.+\.o)\s.*') def __init__(self): _Parser.__init__(self) # Modules passed to the linker on the command line # this is a dict because modules are looked up by their basename self.cmd_modules = {} def parse_object_name(self, object_name): """ Parse object file Positional arguments: line - the line containing the object or library """ if object_name.endswith(".o"): try: return self.cmd_modules[object_name] except KeyError: return object_name else: return '[misc]' def parse_section(self, line): """ Parse data from an IAR map file Examples of IAR map file: Section Kind Address Size Object .intvec ro code 0x00000000 0x198 startup_MK64F12.o [15] .rodata const 0x00000198 0x0 zero_init3.o [133] .iar.init_table const 0x00008384 0x2c - Linker created - Initializer bytes const 0x00000198 0xb2 .data inited 0x20000000 0xd4 driverAtmelRFInterface.o [70] .bss zero 0x20000598 0x318 RTX_Conf_CM.o [4] .iar.dynexit uninit 0x20001448 0x204 HEAP uninit 0x20001650 0x10000 Positional_arguments: line - the line to parse section data from """ test_re = re.match(self.RE, line) if test_re: if (test_re.group(2) == 'const' or test_re.group(2) == 'ro code'): section = '.text' elif (test_re.group(2) == 'zero' or test_re.group(2) == 'uninit'): if test_re.group(1)[0:4] == 'HEAP': section = '.heap' elif test_re.group(1)[0:6] == 'CSTACK': section = '.stack' else: section = '.bss' # default section elif test_re.group(2) == 'inited': section = '.data' else: print("Malformed input found when parsing IAR map: %s" % line) return ["", 0, ""] # lookup object in dictionary and return module name object_name = self.parse_object_name(test_re.group(5)) size = int(test_re.group(4), 16) return [object_name, size, section] else: return ["", 0, ""] def check_new_library(self, line): """ Searches for libraries and returns name. Example: m7M_tls.a: [43] """ test_address_line = re.match(self.RE_LIBRARY, line) if test_address_line: return test_address_line.group(1) else: return "" def check_new_object_lib(self, line): """ Searches for objects within a library section and returns name. Example: rt7M_tl.a: [44] ABImemclr4.o 6 ABImemcpy_unaligned.o 118 ABImemset48.o 50 I64DivMod.o 238 I64DivZer.o 2 """ test_address_line = re.match(self.RE_OBJECT_LIBRARY, line) if test_address_line: return test_address_line.group(1) else: return "" def parse_command_line(self, lines): """Parse the files passed on the command line to the iar linker Positional arguments: lines -- an iterator over the lines within a file """ for line in lines: if line.startswith("*"): break for arg in line.split(" "): arg = arg.rstrip(" \n") if (not arg.startswith("-")) and arg.endswith(".o"): self.cmd_modules[basename(arg)] = arg common_prefix = dirname(commonprefix(list(self.cmd_modules.values()))) self.cmd_modules = {s: relpath(f, common_prefix) for s, f in self.cmd_modules.items()} def parse_mapfile(self, file_desc): """ Main logic to decode IAR map files Positional arguments: file_desc - a file like object to parse as an IAR map file """ with file_desc as infile: self.parse_command_line(infile) for line in infile: if line.startswith(' Section '): break for line in infile: self.module_add(*self.parse_section(line)) if line.startswith('*** MODULE SUMMARY'): # finish section break current_library = "" for line in infile: library = self.check_new_library(line) if library: current_library = library object_name = self.check_new_object_lib(line) if object_name and current_library: temp = join('[lib]', current_library, object_name) self.module_replace(object_name, temp) return self.modules class MemapParser(object): """An object that represents parsed results, parses the memory map files, and writes out different file types of memory results """ print_sections = ('.text', '.data', '.bss') # sections to print info (generic for all toolchains) sections = _Parser.SECTIONS misc_flash_sections = _Parser.MISC_FLASH_SECTIONS other_sections = _Parser.OTHER_SECTIONS def __init__(self): # list of all modules and their sections # full list - doesn't change with depth self.modules = dict() # short version with specific depth self.short_modules = dict() # Memory report (sections + summary) self.mem_report = [] # Memory summary self.mem_summary = dict() # Totals of ".text", ".data" and ".bss" self.subtotal = dict() # Flash no associated with a module self.misc_flash_mem = 0 # Name of the toolchain, for better headings self.tc_name = None def reduce_depth(self, depth): """ populates the short_modules attribute with a truncated module list (1) depth = 1: main.o mbed-os (2) depth = 2: main.o mbed-os/test.o mbed-os/drivers """ if depth == 0 or depth == None: self.short_modules = deepcopy(self.modules) else: self.short_modules = dict() for module_name, v in self.modules.items(): split_name = module_name.split(sep) if split_name[0] == '': split_name = split_name[1:] new_name = join(*split_name[:depth]) self.short_modules.setdefault(new_name, defaultdict(int)) for section_idx, value in v.items(): self.short_modules[new_name].setdefault(section_idx, 0) self.short_modules[new_name][section_idx] += self.modules[module_name][section_idx] export_formats = ["json", "csv-ci", "html", "table"] def generate_output(self, export_format, depth, file_output=None): """ Generates summary of memory map data Positional arguments: export_format - the format to dump Keyword arguments: file_desc - descriptor (either stdout or file) depth - directory depth on report Returns: generated string for the 'table' format, otherwise None """ if depth is None or depth > 0: self.reduce_depth(depth) self.compute_report() try: if file_output: file_desc = open(file_output, 'w') else: file_desc = stdout except IOError as error: print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(error.errno, error.strerror)) return False to_call = {'json': self.generate_json, 'html': self.generate_html, 'csv-ci': self.generate_csv, 'table': self.generate_table}[export_format] output = to_call(file_desc) if file_desc is not stdout: file_desc.close() return output @staticmethod def _move_up_tree(tree, next_module): tree.setdefault("children", []) for child in tree["children"]: if child["name"] == next_module: return child else: new_module = {"name": next_module, "value": 0} tree["children"].append(new_module) return new_module def generate_html(self, file_desc): """Generate a json file from a memory map for D3 Positional arguments: file_desc - the file to write out the final report to """ tree_text = {"name": ".text", "value": 0} tree_bss = {"name": ".bss", "value": 0} tree_data = {"name": ".data", "value": 0} for name, dct in self.modules.items(): cur_text = tree_text cur_bss = tree_bss cur_data = tree_data modules = name.split(sep) while True: try: cur_text["value"] += dct['.text'] except KeyError: pass try: cur_bss["value"] += dct['.bss'] except KeyError: pass try: cur_data["value"] += dct['.data'] except KeyError: pass if not modules: break next_module = modules.pop(0) cur_text = self._move_up_tree(cur_text, next_module) cur_data = self._move_up_tree(cur_data, next_module) cur_bss = self._move_up_tree(cur_bss, next_module) tree_rom = { "name": "ROM", "value": tree_text["value"] + tree_data["value"], "children": [tree_text, tree_data] } tree_ram = { "name": "RAM", "value": tree_bss["value"] + tree_data["value"], "children": [tree_bss, tree_data] } jinja_loader = FileSystemLoader(dirname(abspath(__file__))) jinja_environment = Environment(loader=jinja_loader, undefined=StrictUndefined) template = jinja_environment.get_template("memap_flamegraph.html") name, _ = splitext(basename(file_desc.name)) if name.endswith("_map"): name = name[:-4] if self.tc_name: name = "%s %s" % (name, self.tc_name) data = { "name": name, "rom": json.dumps(tree_rom), "ram": json.dumps(tree_ram), } file_desc.write(template.render(data)) return None def generate_json(self, file_desc): """Generate a json file from a memory map Positional arguments: file_desc - the file to write out the final report to """ file_desc.write(json.dumps(self.mem_report, indent=4)) file_desc.write('\n') return None def generate_csv(self, file_desc): """Generate a CSV file from a memoy map Positional arguments: file_desc - the file to write out the final report to """ writer = csv.writer(file_desc, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) module_section = [] sizes = [] for i in sorted(self.short_modules): for k in self.print_sections: module_section.append((i + k)) sizes += [self.short_modules[i][k]] module_section.append('static_ram') sizes.append(self.mem_summary['static_ram']) module_section.append('total_flash') sizes.append(self.mem_summary['total_flash']) writer.writerow(module_section) writer.writerow(sizes) return None def generate_table(self, file_desc): """Generate a table from a memoy map Returns: string of the generated table """ # Create table columns = ['Module'] columns.extend(self.print_sections) table = PrettyTable(columns) table.align["Module"] = "l" for col in self.print_sections: table.align[col] = 'r' for i in list(self.print_sections): table.align[i] = 'r' for i in sorted(self.short_modules): row = [i] for k in self.print_sections: row.append(self.short_modules[i][k]) table.add_row(row) subtotal_row = ['Subtotals'] for k in self.print_sections: subtotal_row.append(self.subtotal[k]) table.add_row(subtotal_row) output = table.get_string() output += '\n' output += "Total Static RAM memory (data + bss): %s bytes\n" % \ str(self.mem_summary['static_ram']) output += "Total Flash memory (text + data): %s bytes\n" % \ str(self.mem_summary['total_flash']) return output toolchains = ["ARM", "ARM_STD", "ARM_MICRO", "GCC_ARM", "GCC_CR", "IAR"] def compute_report(self): """ Generates summary of memory usage for main areas """ for k in self.sections: self.subtotal[k] = 0 for mod in self.modules.values(): for k in self.sections: self.subtotal[k] += mod[k] self.mem_summary = { 'static_ram': (self.subtotal['.data'] + self.subtotal['.bss']), 'total_flash': (self.subtotal['.text'] + self.subtotal['.data']), } self.mem_report = [] if self.short_modules: for name, sizes in sorted(self.short_modules.items()): self.mem_report.append({ "module": name, "size":{ k: sizes.get(k, 0) for k in self.print_sections } }) self.mem_report.append({ 'summary': self.mem_summary }) def parse(self, mapfile, toolchain): """ Parse and decode map file depending on the toolchain Positional arguments: mapfile - the file name of the memory map file toolchain - the toolchain used to create the file """ self.tc_name = toolchain.title() if toolchain in ("ARM", "ARM_STD", "ARM_MICRO", "ARMC6"): parser = _ArmccParser() elif toolchain == "GCC_ARM" or toolchain == "GCC_CR": parser = _GccParser() elif toolchain == "IAR": parser = _IarParser() else: return False try: with open(mapfile, 'r') as file_input: self.modules = parser.parse_mapfile(file_input) return True except IOError as error: print("I/O error({0}): {1}".format(error.errno, error.strerror)) return False def main(): """Entry Point""" version = '0.4.0' # Parser handling parser = ArgumentParser( description="Memory Map File Analyser for ARM mbed\nversion %s" % version) parser.add_argument( 'file', type=argparse_filestring_type, help='memory map file') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--toolchain', dest='toolchain', help='select a toolchain used to build the memory map file (%s)' % ", ".join(MemapParser.toolchains), required=True, type=argparse_uppercase_type(MemapParser.toolchains, "toolchain")) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--depth', dest='depth', type=int, help='specify directory depth level to display report', required=False) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', help='output file name', required=False) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--export', dest='export', required=False, default='table', type=argparse_lowercase_hyphen_type(MemapParser.export_formats, 'export format'), help="export format (examples: %s: default)" % ", ".join(MemapParser.export_formats)) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version=version) # Parse/run command if len(argv) <= 1: parser.print_help() exit(1) args = parser.parse_args() # Create memap object memap = MemapParser() # Parse and decode a map file if args.file and args.toolchain: if memap.parse(args.file, args.toolchain) is False: exit(0) if args.depth is None: depth = 2 # default depth level else: depth = args.depth returned_string = None # Write output in file if args.output != None: returned_string = memap.generate_output(args.export, \ depth, args.output) else: # Write output in screen returned_string = memap.generate_output(args.export, depth) if args.export == 'table' and returned_string: print(returned_string) exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()