""" mbed SDK Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from workspace_tools.export.exporters import Exporter import re import os class IAREmbeddedWorkbench(Exporter): """ Exporter class for IAR Systems. """ NAME = 'IAR' TOOLCHAIN = 'IAR' TARGETS = [ 'LPC1768', 'LPC1347', 'LPC11U24', 'LPC11U35_401', 'LPC11U35_501', #Removed LPCCAPPUCCINO linker file and startup file missing #'LPCCAPPUCCINO', 'LPC1114', 'LPC1549', 'LPC812', 'LPC4088', 'LPC4088_DM', 'LPC824', 'UBLOX_C027', 'ARCH_PRO', 'K20D50M', 'KL05Z', 'KL25Z', 'KL46Z', 'K22F', 'K64F', 'NUCLEO_F030R8', 'NUCLEO_F031K6', 'NUCLEO_F042K6', 'NUCLEO_F070RB', 'NUCLEO_F072RB', 'NUCLEO_F091RC', 'NUCLEO_F103RB', 'NUCLEO_F302R8', 'NUCLEO_F303K8', 'NUCLEO_F303RE', 'NUCLEO_F334R8', 'NUCLEO_F401RE', 'NUCLEO_F410RB', 'NUCLEO_F411RE', 'NUCLEO_F446RE', 'NUCLEO_L053R8', 'NUCLEO_L073RZ', 'NUCLEO_L152RE', 'NUCLEO_L476RG', 'DISCO_F429ZI', 'DISCO_L053C8', 'DISCO_F334C8', 'DISCO_F469NI', 'DISCO_F746NG', 'DISCO_L476VG', 'B96B_F446VE', #'STM32F407', Fails to build same for GCC 'MAXWSNENV', 'MAX32600MBED', 'MTS_MDOT_F405RG', 'MTS_MDOT_F411RE', 'MTS_DRAGONFLY_F411RE', 'NRF51822', 'NRF51_DK', 'NRF51_DONGLE', 'DELTA_DFCM_NNN40', 'SEEED_TINY_BLE', 'HRM1017', 'ARCH_BLE', 'MOTE_L152RC', 'EFM32PG_STK3401', ] def generate(self): """ Generates the project files """ sources = [] sources += self.resources.c_sources sources += self.resources.cpp_sources sources += self.resources.s_sources iar_files = IarFolder("", "", []) for source in sources: iar_files.insert_file(source) ctx = { 'name': self.program_name, 'include_paths': self.resources.inc_dirs, 'linker_script': self.resources.linker_script, 'object_files': self.resources.objects, 'libraries': self.resources.libraries, 'symbols': self.get_symbols(), 'source_files': iar_files.__str__(), 'binary_files': self.resources.bin_files, } self.gen_file('iar_%s.ewp.tmpl' % self.target.lower(), ctx, '%s.ewp' % self.program_name) self.gen_file('iar.eww.tmpl', ctx, '%s.eww' % self.program_name) self.gen_file('iar_%s.ewd.tmpl' % self.target.lower(), ctx, '%s.ewd' % self.program_name) class IarFolder(): """ This is a recursive folder object. To present the folder structure in the IDE as it is presented on the disk. This can be used for uvision as well if you replace the __str__ method. Example: files: ./main.cpp, ./apis/I2C.h, ./mbed/common/I2C.cpp in the project this would look like: main.cpp common/I2C.cpp input: folder_level : folder path to current folder folder_name : name of current folder source_files : list of source_files (all must be in same directory) """ def __init__(self, folder_level, folder_name, source_files): self.folder_level = folder_level self.folder_name = folder_name self.source_files = source_files self.sub_folders = {} def __str__(self): """ converts the folder structue to IAR project format. """ group_start = "" group_end = "" if self.folder_name != "": group_start = "\n%s\n" %(self.folder_name) group_end = "\n" str_content = group_start #Add files in current folder if self.source_files: for src in self.source_files: str_content += "\n$PROJ_DIR$/%s\n\n" % src #Add sub folders if self.sub_folders: for folder_name in self.sub_folders.iterkeys(): str_content += self.sub_folders[folder_name].__str__() str_content += group_end return str_content def insert_file(self, source_input): """ Inserts a source file into the folder tree """ if self.source_files: #All source_files in a IarFolder must be in same directory. dir_sources = IarFolder.get_directory(self.source_files[0]) #Check if sources are already at their deepest level. if not self.folder_level == dir_sources: _reg_exp = r"^" + re.escape(self.folder_level) + r"[/\\]?([^/\\]+)" folder_name = re.match(_reg_exp, dir_sources).group(1) self.sub_folders[folder_name] = IarFolder(os.path.join(self.folder_level, folder_name), folder_name, self.source_files) self.source_files = [] dir_input = IarFolder.get_directory(source_input) if dir_input == self.folder_level: self.source_files.append(source_input) else: _reg_exp = r"^" + re.escape(self.folder_level) + r"[/\\]?([^/\\]+)" folder_name = re.match(_reg_exp, dir_input).group(1) if self.sub_folders.has_key(folder_name): self.sub_folders[folder_name].insert_file(source_input) else: if self.folder_level == "": #Top level exception self.sub_folders[folder_name] = IarFolder(folder_name, folder_name, [source_input]) else: self.sub_folders[folder_name] = IarFolder(os.path.join(self.folder_level, folder_name), folder_name, [source_input]) @staticmethod def get_directory(file_path): """ Returns the directory of the file """ return os.path.dirname(file_path)