- Creates new target in targets.json
- Creates device specific files under ARM_SSG/CM3DS_MPS2 directory
- Driver layer files under CM3DS_MPS2 are based on Beid target
- Device specific files under CM3DS_MPS2/device are based on CMSIS_5 and Beetle
Change-Id: I29ea7a7f42b11cf25b516cce4b9255ab828ca019
Signed-off-by: Tamas Kaman <Tamas.Kaman@arm.com>
Signed-off-by: Marc Moreno <marc.morenoberengue@arm.com>
Affected boards: NRF51_DK, NRF52_DK, Beetle. This change is temporary and
will be overwritten by RTX update. It's necessary for the boards to pass
updated tests.