Adding a new target of HW development kit using [Samsung Exynos i S111]( module to Mbed-OS.
This will widen the HW choices of Mbed-OS enabled NB-IoT, GNSS and Security (eFuse, AES, SHA-2, PKA, Secure Storage, Security Sub-System, [PUF]( modules.
Target Name: S5JS100
Co-authored-by: Ivan Galkin <>
Co-authored-by: Seokwon Lee <>
Co-authored-by: Zhizhe Zhu <>
Co-authored-by: Xinyi Zhao <>
This call to sorted does nothing in Python 2, as there is no way to sort a list
of Exceptions without providing a key.
In Python 3 this call fails with an error as there is no comparison implemented
for the jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError Exception.
This is fixed by providing the key str, which sorts by the str representation of
the Exception.
The psa_setup.c.tpl jinja template would strip whitespace from before
the partition name comment when inserting non-test partition database
entries. Fix the template to generate psa_setup.c with the partition
name comment properly indented.
Assert it properly and thus give out the target name where the
issue is, rather than just error out with KeyError and leave the
poor sod wondering where exactly the issue is.
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_____________________________ test_bl_has_sectors ______________________________
def test_bl_has_sectors():
"""Assert a bootloader supporting pack has sector information"""
cache = Cache(True, True)
named_targets = (
target for target in TARGETS if
(hasattr(target, "device_name") and getattr(target, "bootloader_supported", False))
for target in named_targets:
assert target.device_name in cache.index,\
("Target %s contains invalid device_name %s" %
(, target.device_name))
> assert cache.index[target.device_name]["sectors"],\
("Device name %s is misssing sector information" %
E KeyError: 'sectors'
___________________________________________________ test_bl_has_sectors ___________________________________________________
def test_bl_has_sectors():
"""Assert a bootloader supporting pack has sector information"""
# ToDo: validity checks for the information IN the sectors!
cache = Cache(True, True)
named_targets = (
target for target in TARGETS if
(hasattr(target, "device_name") and getattr(target, "bootloader_supported", False))
for target in named_targets:
assert target.device_name in cache.index,\
("Target %s contains invalid device_name %s" %
(, target.device_name))
> assert "sectors" in cache.index[target.device_name],\
("Target %s does not have sectors" %
E AssertionError: Target NUCLEO_L073RZ does not have sectors
E assert 'sectors' in {'algorithms': [{'default': True, 'file_name': 'CMSIS/Flash/STM32L0xx_192.FLM', 'ram_size': None, 'ram_start': None, ....on_secure_callable': False, 'peripheral': False, ...}, 'default': True, 'size': 196608, 'start': 134217728, ...}}, ...}
This helps you finding the offending target a bit faster.
Kudos to Jammu Kekkonen ( to figuring out how to actually
run this test & the assertion.
Ref: Mbed OS issue #12219
Per feedback from STM the correct ROM size is 1 MB, instead of
16 MB. The KEIL source information is (in the pack itself) wrong, since
the KEIL webpage lists it as a 16 MB part, too - but if you look into
other sources - it is indeed 1 MB.
SPIFReducedBlockDevice parameters come from mbed_lib.json if not provided
Introduced an app config file for running filesystem tests with RSPIF
block device
SPIFBlockDevice parameters come from mbed_lib.json if not provided
Introduced an app config file for running filesystem tests with SPIF
QSPIFBlockDevice parameters come from mbed_lib.json if not provided
Introduced an app config file for running filesystem tests with QSPIF