mbed-os consists of mbed-core and mbed-rtos
mbed-baremetal consists of mbed-core
The main change is for mbed-core. Changing from object library to be interface. This way it allows us to do the above to have 2 main targets for users to use.
This should be backward compatible change as mbed-os target we used contains the same files/options as previously set.
Directories that start with special prefixes (TARGET_, FEATURE_, COMPONENT_) are added to the build based on Mbed target configuration from targets.json instead of calling utility function mbed_add_cmake_directory_if_labels().
The contents of the usb directory were moved to appropriate locations and the usb directory removed.
* Public USB headers moved under drivers/
* Internal USB headers moved under drivers/internal/
* USB Source code moved under drivers/source/usb/
* Moved usb/device/hal/ under hal/usb/
* Moved usb/device/USBPhy/ under hal/usb/
* Merged usb/device/targets/ into targets/
* Separated public and private USB API documentation under Doxygen groups drivers-public-api and drivers-internal-api.