Update platform code to use the ticker common layer rather than using
HAL us ticker directly. This both ensures that the underlying ticker
is properly initialized and that the value read is in microseconds with
full 32-bit range.
GCC's newlib library depends on fstat to get in-flight information about
a file's type an size. A working fstat for regular files is needed for
seek and related functions to work correctly.
This change prevents inclusion of non throwing versions of the new operator from
the compiler standard library. On GCC, the non throwing version bring with it
some portion of the exception support code.
When the RTOS is present and the tickless mode is not implemented, it is
expected that the next tick issued by the Systick timer will wake up the MCU.
However nothing prevents an implementation of the ARM architecture to gate the
systick clock signal upon sleep entry.
Therefore on those targets sleep shall be prohibited if the RTOS is present and the
tickless mode is not implemented.
To ease life of porters , a new option has been added in the device add list:
STCLK_OF_DURING_SLEEP. This option expose that the target turn of the systick
clock during sleep.
Targets which exhibit such behavior shall add this define in their device_has list.
Sleep manager provides API to lock/unlock deepsleep. This API allows a user to
control deep sleep.
This API should be done via atomic operations (to be IRQ/thread safe).
Fixed by zeroing the memory. A more "c++ correct" approach
may be to add an additional op for equality, and use the "=="
operator on the F type in the generate function. But this adds
the requirement that F supports equality.
Fix a calculation error in in powerdown_nvic preventing the last
group of 32 interrupts from getting powered down. The ARMv7m reference
manual states "the total number of interrupt lines is up
to (32*(INTLINESNUM+1)).".
Also rename isr_count to isr_groups_32 for clarity, since this is
actually the number of 32 interrupt groups.
- Removed the patterned LED sequence, all boards now use the 4 fast pulse, 4 slow pulses LED sequence.
- Changed the LED used from LED_RED to LED1. Only 58/174 targets seem to define LED_RED but they all define LED1.
- Removed all ERROR_RED and ERROR_PATTERN definitions from targets/targets.json
The current error sequence for microcontrollers with less than 4 LEDs is
to toggle an LED at a fixed rate. Change the sequence to 4 short pulses
followed by 4 long pulses.
A define which expands to more defines is not portable across all
compilers and GCC warns about this. Restructure this so the behavior
is defined. This fixes the GCC warning:
"this use of "defined" may not be portable"
This is as it used to be, reverting the removal. uARM does not have any hook
that we could use for mbed sdk init and copy nvic, therefore _open is used that
should be sufficient, but not ideal.
For more information, visit https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-os/pull/2160/files#r76563844.
Before rtx 5, the max count on semaphores was UINT16_MAX, aftewards it
was decreased to 1024 with an assert on overflow.
This is especially problematic for semaphores used for signaling, since
there is no replacement currently available in C++.
Latest cmsis files provide virtual nvic implementation, therefore all nvic
set/get vectors were removed. As the result, we did not reallocate vectors
for mbed SDK. This should fix it for most of the platforms (cortex m0 and
cortex a9 need to provide own if they need it).
The use of mktime was causing a fault when called in interrupt handler because on GCC it lock the mutex protecting the environment, To overcome this issue, this patch add dedicated routine to convert a time_t into a tm and vice versa.
In the process mktime has been optimized and is now an order of magnitude faster than the routines present in the C library.
According to the C99 specification "The value (time_t)(-1) is returned if the
calendar time is not available". Before this patch, in such case the function
was returning 0 instead of -1.
The old open/opendir functions did not provide a route for errors and
relied on implementations manually setting errno. Updated to return
errors directly.
Required for other representations of FileSystems, ie LocalFileSystem
Introduces FileSystemHandle for the same behaviour as FileHandle and
Requires the following to hook into file/dir lookup:
int open(FileHandle **file, const char *filename, int flags)
int open(DirHandle **dir, const char *path)
This hook is provided by the FileSystem class, so requires no changes
from implementations.
Trigger an assert if a file is read from or written to from an
interrupt handler or critical section. This includes using printf
from an interrupt handler or critical section. This makes failures
due to use in incorrect context deterministic and easier to locate.
This feature is enabled by defining MBED_TRAP_ERRORS_ENABLED to 1 or
by using the debug profile.
For keep supporting external APIs with the same name (supposedly there are a larger
number of users of those APIs), BufferedSerial and ATParser are being renamed.
BufferedSerial becomes UARTSerial, will complement a future USBSerial etc.
ATParser becomes ATCmdParser.
* UARTSerial moves to /drivers
* APN_db.h is moved from platform to cellular/util/.
* Original CellularInterface is restored for backward compatability (again, supposedly there
are users of that).
* A new file, CellularBase is added which will now servce as the base class for all
upcoming drivers.
* Special restructuring for the driver has been undertaken. This makes a clear cut distinction
between an on-board or an off-board implementation.
- PPPCellularInterface is a generic network interface that works with a generic FileHandle
and PPP. A derived class is needed to pass that FileHandle.
- PPPCellularInterface provides some base functionality like network registration, AT setup,
PPP connection etc. Lower level job is delegated to the derived classes and various modem
specific APIs are provided which are supposed to be overridden.
- UARTCellularInterface is derived from PPPCellularInterface. It constructs a FileHandle and
passes it back to PPPCellularInterface as well as provides modem hangupf functionality.
In future we could proive a USBInterface that would derive from PPPCellularInterface and could
pass the FileHandle back.
- OnboardCellularInterface is derived from UARTCellularInterfae and provides hooks to
the target provided implementation of onbard_modem_api.h. An off-board modem, i.e, a modem on
a shield has to override the modem_init(), modem_power_up() etc as it cannot use
There is currently no proper wake up mechanism provided
by mbed-os. _poll_change() was supposed to wake upa blocking
poll() in case of a POLL event but the implementation was dependent
upon underlying wake up mechanism. In the absence of conditioanl
variables or some other alternative, _poll_change() wasn't able to
serve its purpose. Removing it for now. Should be implemented at some later stage
Make FileHandle more of an interface class, by requiring implementers to
provide the sigio() functionality themselves.
sigio() and poll() remain parallel independent mechanisms, so FileHandle
implementations must trigger both on state changes.
* state machine corrections
* adding various standard API methods
* Addition/revision/enhancement of the nsapi_ppp glue layer
* Turning off debug by default
Mainly reutilizing code from ublox C027 support lib.
As we are using external PDP context, i.e., an external IP stack,
we will pass username and password to underlying stack running PPP.
We only support CHAP as the authentication protocol.
POSIX poll() provides a mechanism to attach a POLL_HUP event
if the modem or device hangs up on you. POLL_HUP and POLL_OUT are
mutually exclusive. We poll in the PPP_input() routine if the modem
hung up. If it did we stop the data consumption, close PPP and go back
to the driver for reserruction of AT parser and subsequent retries or
application specific actions.
This is achieved by attaching an interrupt to the DCD line of the modem.
When DCD line goes high (off), we have lost the carrier. So we record an
POLLHUP event using _poll_change().
ATParser had been using std <vector> which had been pulling along a lot
of standard C++ stuff. We have an alternative implementation whcih achieves
a similar effect but without using <vector>. this saves a bunch of valuable
RAM resource.
We have also simplified the overall system by introducing proper CR and LF
rather than \r\n type of delimiters. This newline simplification is borrowed
from retarget.cpp.
Existing ATParser is extended to use FileHandle. This essentially detaches
ATParser from previous tight binding with various implementations of serial
interfaces with buffering.
Now the ATParser uses only abstract FileHandle and doesn't really care about
the underlying implementation. Underneath, it could be a USB device type FileHandle
or a Serial device type FileHandle etc.
Some simplification steps were taken as the code provided opportunities to simplify
and optimize.
BufferedSerial is a FileHandle and using SerialBase.
It keeps the SerialBase private however lets the user extend FileHandle
by keeping it public.
It is using CircularBuffer class for having circular buffers.
There are some minor amendments in CircularBuffer too.
Adding an entry for tx/rx buffer sizes in platform/mbed_lib.json.
Default size is 256 bytes.
For RTOS read(), write() calls yield for other threads to carry on with their stuff.
For non-RTOS blovking read or write would mean a loop where 100 percent resources are
consumed by this loop. Need to get a better implementation in. Currently no mechanism to
wake the mcu up after WFE.
mbed::fdopen() is provided in mbed_retarget.cpp which will attach a stream to the
given FileHandle. Removing mbed_set_unbuffered_stream() from stream class as it
is defined in mbed_retarget.cpp. Stream class should not decide whether it wants
to detach buffers from c library or not. mbed::fdopen() will do that based upon
isatty() call. So if a FileHandle is not a tty, i.e., is not a device type, c library
buffering will not be turned off. For device type FileHandles, c library buffering
is turned off.