Removed heap/stack from report
Add --stats-depth option to mbed compile
Fix minor issues identified in review
Fix bug when parsing armcc libs
Fix code style
Fix minor issues on existing tests
Fix memap for automated TESTS
Fix stats-depth parameter for tests
Previously if updating a branch in the ARMmbed version of an example
repo, the branch would be created initially from master. This update
allows the new branch to be created by any pre-existing branch.
This update also moves the branch / fork / tag configuration data to the
json config file. It thus simplifies the command line.
-b on its own now indicates use the branch information in the config
-f on its own now indicates use the fork information in the config
The function headers have been updated to follow the standard format
that should be being used for tools in mbed. This is a one line summary
followed by a descriptive block with more detail.
Updated the handling of the main function so that the logger becomes
global and thus works across all the functions. This has been tested
with both the fork and branch options, and for levels INFO and DEBUG.
Added the ability to specify a branch to update rather than a fork
Replaced print commands with the use of a logger
Updated the run_cmd functions in line with previous improvements
This is a bug fix for the following bug (Github issue #437):
If two builds were run specifying a non-default build folder, the second
build would fail to link with duplicate symbols and may not fit on the
device. The root of this problem is that these non-default build folders
are not ignored by scan-resources, and therefore included in the build.
We fix this bug by ignoring the build directory passed into the tools.
To enable a boot-loader style application, override
"targets.bootloader_exec" or "targets.restrict_size" on a particular
target. These parameters are a bin or hex file, and an integer, in bytes,
respectively. If either override is present, then an application region
is created after the boot-loader region, when "targets.bootloader_exec"
is present, and before post-application, when "targets.restric_size" is
present. The size of the boot-loader region is read from the file
provided in the configuration.
example specified in the supplied .json file, in a user specified fork.
A pull request is then made from each fork to the ARMmbed master repo.
New usage:
python <args>
Where <args> are:
[-c <file.json>] optional argument for example list, default
-U <github user with forked repos>
-T <github authorisation token>
If an example's GitHub repository contains multiple child examples, the
script was incorrectly filtering out all the child examples when
compiling and exporting. This patch now handles this case correctly.
This adds an example clone and deploy step that allows you to modify
each top level repository before pulling in the rest of the example's
dependencies. This allows us to not pull in a copy of mbed-os for each
example in CI and instead symbolic link the already cloned copy, saving
valuable time and disk space
Adding the new compile option allows the marking of a set of examples to
indicate whether they should be compiled or not. For the update process
examples that are not compiled will not be auto updated irrespective of
that setting.
Other changes to make return logic from some functions in more
efficient and some typos in the lib file.
Refactor to add a new command line option to provide an update
Refactor to add new functionality to update the version of
mbed-os in the examples to a supplied tag.
Refactor to make cloning the example repos, updating their
mbed-os version and compiling, into library functions and move to a new
library module.
Refactor the format of the examples.json file to make it compatible with
both and
Refactor so that examples are test compiled prior to updating.
Refactor so that only examples tagged as auto-updatable and that
fully compile are automatically updated.
- Parallel export
- mbed-os tests added
- specified release version (default to 5)
- default tests AND targets dependent on specified release version
As mbed-events is being brought into the mbed-os tree, the examples
using the external mbed-events library will fail due to duplicate
The tests for BLE examples will be readded after the examples are
updated to only use the mbed-events library in the mbed-os tree.
- Parallel export
- mbed-os tests added
- specified release version (default to 5)
- default tests AND targets dependent on specified release version
The previous code used a variable that was internal to the Target class.
This commit removes the argument to `set_targets_json_location`
completely, which forces Target to use the default locatio internally.
Custom targets were the origin of a number of issues with the mbed
tools, so it was decided that they need to be removed. This PR does just
that (and moves the "custom_targets" part of the config system tests
into a separate, per-test "targets.json" file to preserve the test
uVision4 is no longer maintained by the Keil team (support was stopped
long time ago).
This is why we need to make the uvision exporter able to generate uVision5
projects by default (which is based on software packs).
Also, adding note that the uvision4 exporter is now deprecated and will be
removed in the future.
Makes several broad changes:
- removes dead code that dealt with the online build system
- replaces export function with a much simpler one that:
- does not copy any sources
- the zip file hits the disk
- the mbed_config.h hits the disk
- the project files hit the disk
- nothing else hits the disk
- exporters use Resource object scanned with a toolchain
- progen exporters don't optionally build a project instead they have a
build function that may be called afterwards
- much of the code passes pylint (have a score of 9 or above):
- export/
- export/
- test/export/