Static Thread methods and signal methods have been deprecated. Remove
all references in the main code, and most of the tests. Some tests of
the deprecated APIs themselves remain.
Add a config option for the following values:
To maintain backwards compatibility inside the RTOS both
APP and RTOS config values can be used.
Add the target config option "boot-stack-size" which is passed to the
linker as the define "MBED_BOOT_STACK_SIZE" so the linker can
adjust the stack accordingly. On mbed 2 the boot stack becomes the
main stack after boot. On mbed 5 the boot stack becomes the
ISR stack after boot. Because of these different uses the stack size
for mbed 2 is set to 4K by default while on mbed 5 it is set to 1k.
Additionally, the NRF5X family requires a larger interrupt stack size
due to the softdevice so the size is increased to 2k on mbed 5 builds.
Perform the following changes:
- change definition of `void Mutex::lock(void)` to `osStatus Mutex::lock(void)`.
- change definition of `void Mutex::unlock()` to `osStatus Mutex::unlock()`.
- use MBED_ERROR1 macro to check the lock/unlock operation status.
- add notes in the description of lock/unlock functions: "This function asserts status of the lock/unlock operation (will not return in case of failure). Use of the return value is deprecated, as the return is expected to become void in the future.".
- modify/add description of the return value.
- remove reference to Mbed 6.
- make `lock(millisec)` deprecated in favour of lock(), trylock() and trylock_for() functions.
Refactor the Mbed 5 boot process to make is simpler and more modular.
This is done by breaking the boot sequence into 4 distinct steps -
Target setup, Toolchain setup, RTOS setup and Mbed setup. This patch
also move toolchain specific code into a per toolchain folder to make
it more maintainable.
Macro MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE is defined in platform/mbed_toolchain.h which was not included.
If someone used member functions lock (which are prefixed with MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE since some time), there would be a compile error instead of a warning.
Including mbed_toolchain.h fixes that.
Since `void lock(void)` member function has been added we need to remove default value from deprecated `lock(uint32_t millisec=osWaitForever)` member function since otherwise calling `lock()` would be ambiguous.
Add assertions for statuses returned by osMutexAcquire().
Add void Mutex::lock(void) member function - lock function which does not return status and waits for the mutex forever.
Make osStatus Mutex::lock(uint32_t millisec=osWaitForever) member function deprecated in favour of bool Mutex::trylock_for(uint32_t millisec).
CMSIS repo does not support pre-processor defines, hence multiple assembly
files are added for secure/non-secure and floating point tools.
Mbed OS tools support assembly file pre-processing, but the build system
does not support multiple assembly files for each target, hence updating
the assembly files.
(cherry picked from commit 287121ffdc)
mbed OS used older RTX4 version and with osThreadDef accepting only 3
parameters, to preserve compatibility we hardcode the 'instances'
parameter to 1.
(cherry picked from commit 428acae1b2ac15c3ad523e8d40755a9301220822)
(cherry picked from commit 4360b7bbf8)
Move the function "mbed_get_a9_tick_irqn()" declared in os_tick.h
to SysTimer.h so it does not get overridden when RTX is updated.
This function was originally added in:
Fixes for RZ_A1H issue 6543
Schedule the next OS tick inside of the ticker interrupt rather than
in the systick interrupt. Scheduling this while the ticker is
dispatching prevents an unnecissary rescheduling since this
rescheduling is done anyway when dispatching is finished.
This is particularly useful for the low power ticker on devices with
LPTICKER_DELAY_TICKS set to a non-zero value. This is because the low
power ticker cannot be reschduled immediately and needs to fall back
onto the microsecond ticker which temporarily locks deep sleep.
Note - the optimization in this commit is made possible by the commit:
"Don't reschedule ticker while dispatching"
RTX Config header file is internal and not exposed. With latest fixes to use
only public header files from RTX, we need to add these 2 new macros for
RTX ARMC lib configuration.
os_thread_t and family are internal and should not be used (thus we included
internal header file). Instead, use those that are exposed via rtx_os.h file.