### Description
The NRF51 post build hook finds it's hex files using the Resources
object. This PR fixes the corner case where the hex files within a
project have a name!=path (This really only happens online).
### Pull request type
[x] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Breaking change
Update directory structure to include RTX for only cortex targets, and
for all cortex targets. This patch accomplishes this by moving mbed-os
specific RTX files and RTX itself into rtos/TARGET_CORTEX along with
removing TARGET_CORTEX_M from the RTX5 directory.
The old directory structure:
rtos/rtx5/<mbed-os specific RTX files>
rtos/<mbed-os specific RTX files>
Is re-arranged to:
rtos/TARGET_CORTEX/<mbed-os specific rtx files>
This both encapsulates RTX code more cleanly and makes it easier to
experiment with non-cortex cmsis-os2 backends, such as a posix
based cmsis-os2 backend.
Note - A potentially better name for the CORTEX_M directory would be
something like FEATURE_RTX5 since this directory only contains RTX5
related files. This cannot be done because there is not an easy way
to turn this feature on, since it cannot be done from mbed_lib.json.
1. Rearrange SDRAM and SRAM layout. Move timing critical code to SRAM,
and the rest to SDRAM.
2. Add bootloader that's capable of FOTA over mbed cloud.
Signed-off-by: Tony Wu <tonywu@realtek.com>
If the file extra_targets.json exists in the working directory load it over the top of the built in targets.json for defining new and overriding built in mbed target definitions.
The input format is now determined by the OUTPUT_EXT key in
targets.json, and defaults to "bin" when not specified. This changes the
Teensy3_1 and the NRF51x targets' post bulid hooks.
Teensy3_1 just converted to intelhex, so we do nothing instead.
NRF51x assumed that it was taking in a bin format file. I made it detect
file type by extension.