--legacyalign, --no_legacyalign are deprecated from ARMC6 compiler, in order to
remove deprecated flags all linker files (GCC and IAR as well to have uniformity)
should strictly align to 8-byte boundary
Replace looping construct with actual block writes.
Transaction in spi_master_block_write funtion is protected by critical
section to ensure it is completed without interruption. A hardware
limitation may cause data corruption if the TX fifo is allowed to run
Simplify tickers to stop emulating 1us ticks by using native timer resolutions.
Implement ticker get info functions.
Separate rtc and lp ticker init status by implementing separate functions.
Few targets need more than just pending IRQ set. They include some flags to be
set that are checked in IRQ handler. This is the case for targets in this
MAX32630FTHR gets BLE, uses timer peripheral 5 for HCI timing
libexactLE update for 610,620
Fixup hal_sleep and hal_deepsleep for 620
LEDn outputs now forced to open-drain
fire_interrupt function should be used for events in the past. As we have now
64bit timestamp, we can figure out what is in the past, and ask a target to invoke
an interrupt immediately. The previous attemps in the target HAL tickers were not ideal, as it can wrap around easily (16 or 32 bit counters). This new
functionality should solve this problem.
set_interrupt for tickers in HAL code should not handle anything but the next match interrupt. If it was in the past is handled by the upper layer.
It is possible that we are setting next event to the close future, so once it is set it is already in the past. Therefore we add a check after set interrupt to verify it is in future.
If it is not, we fire interrupt immediately. This results in
two events - first one immediate, correct one. The second one might be scheduled in far future (almost entire ticker range),
that should be discarded.
The specification for the fire_interrupts are:
- should set pending bit for the ticker interrupt (as soon as possible),
the event we are scheduling is already in the past, and we do not want to skip
any events
- no arguments are provided, neither return value, not needed
- ticker should be initialized prior calling this function (no need to check if it is already initialized)
All our targets provide this new functionality, removing old misleading if (timestamp is in the past) checks.
There is an easy default implementation of spi_master_block_write that
just calls spi_master_write in a loop, so the default implementation
of spi_master_block_write has been added to all targets.
Change the irq_handler parameter of NVIC_SetVector from a function
pointer to a uin32_t so it matches the cmsis specification. This
prevents the following problem from occurring in RTX5 when building
for IAR:
The error: Error[Pe167]: argument of type "void (*)(void)" is incompatible
with parameter of type "uint32_t".
Revert HRM1017 file source deletion
Added in small comment next to additions
Added mapping to BTN-labelled switches
Added mapping to USER_BUTTON-labelled switches
Undo incorrect mapping to SWIO pin in NORDIC target