Merged duplicated logic into the SocketAddress class. Based
on parallel work by @mkaleppanen and @kjbracey-arm.
Also added small ipv6 parsing fix by @mikaleppanen
For performing DNS resolution explicitly through the network-socket
user API.
This interface does not require implementation changes and can rely
entirely on the dns query library in the network-socket API.
[Full Changelog](
**New feature**
- Make resending flags configurable through Yotta and mbed-cli build systems
- Introducing Configuration management through Config file
**Closed issues:**
- IOTCLT-882 - Confirmable messages sending
[Full Changelog](
**New features**
- Move configuration parameter resolution to separate header and allow user definable configuration header to be used.
- Port eventloop system timer to use new tick timer functions platform_tick_timer_register, platform_tick_timer_start and platform_tick_timer_stop.
Callback<void()> a = callback(obj, member)
Callback<void()> b = callback(context, function)
Callback<void()> a = callback(obj, member)
Callback<void()> b = callback(function, context)
This ordering is more intuitive based on feedback from users. This order
was initially considered but proved problematic when integrated with
other variable arguments in attach functions.
With `callback` as a separate convenience function, this style
no longer presents a problem.
Provided through the config options added to the network interface:
- EthernetInterface::set_network(ip_address, netmask, gateway)
- EthernetInterface::set_dhcp(dhcp)
This accomplishes two things:
1. Provides a simple route for adding static IP address support to the
base NetworkInterface
2. Provides a simple route for adding configurability to network
interfaces and unifies the network interface to consistent connect
call, allowing network interfaces to be passed around abstractly
- set_network
- set_dhcp
- set_credentials
- set_credentials
Before, rtx calls would hard fault in critical sections when an svc
instruction was attempted with interrupts disabled.
Required changes:
- Added check for CPSR I bit in cortex A rtx
- Added check for PRIMASK in cortex M rtx
- Modified critical sections in cortex M rtx to be recursive
(already recursive in cortex A)