The integration is simply to define the macro MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME_DATE
in the features/mbedtls/platform/inc/platform_mbed.h. The default
implementation of the mbedtls_time() function provided by mbed TLS is
sufficient to work with mbed OS because both use POSIX functions.
51f92b0efd introduced
handling for connection attempts while a connection was already underway or have been
completed. Unfortunately a similar check slipped through and the stack was not able to continue
sending join requests if an error happened.
It was pointed out in #7432 and #7232 that the stack was comparing frame payload size
with the allowed payload size in a wrong manner in shcedule_tx().
We must strip the overhead from the frame before comparison.
We did have a similar check in prepare_ongoing_tx() API which would correctly analyse
the situation but a check was needed in schedule_tx() as well. The reason is that the
schedule_tx() API can be called automatically by the stack if the user intiated requested
was not promptly entertained because of duty cycle restriction. Now, the datarate can change
here (for CONFIRMED messages if the ack was not received after retries max out). That's why
a test for validity was needed.
We now perform a comparison using _ongoing_tx_message structure which contains the actual
FRMPayload size.
For proprietary type of messages only MHDR and Port field is used so we shouldn't add MAC commands
and other overhead into them.
In order to have consistent frame overhead, we have opted to always include Port field in the
The TEST_SKIP and TEST_SKIP_UNLESS macros (w/ and w/o messages) allow the test
to skip the test case execution from the point the macro was called (without
failing the test).
For ABP: First call to connect() or connect(params) will return LORAWAN_STATUS_OK
and a CONNECTED event will be sent. Any subsequent call will return
LORAWAN_STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED (posix EISCONN) and no event is generated.
FOR OTAA: First call to connect() or connect(params) will return LORAWAN_STATUS_CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS
and a CONNECTED event will be sent whenever the JoinAccept is received. If the application
calls connect again before receiving the CONNECTED event, LORAWAN_STATUS_BUSY will be returned.
After the CONNECTED event is dispatched, any subsequent call to connect() or connect(params) API
No new parameters are accepted after the first call. The application must disconnect before making
a connect() call with new parameters.
This is a remedy for the issue #7230.
While the device is joining, LORAWAN_STATUS_CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS is returned.
However, if the device is already joined, we will return LORAWAN_STATUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED.
Instead of giving LoRaWANTimeHandler object as parameter for constructor,
object is now given via own initialize() method.
This change is needed for future refactoring where application can give own
PHY object for LoRa stack.
In rx_config(params) API we shouldn't check for radio state as radio may never get
idle for a class C device. That check made sense only for class A. As the PHY layer
have no conecpt of receive windows which is a MAC layer construct, we should remove the
state check.
The API will be changed later to void rx_config(params).
In addition to that another bug is fixed in the open_rx2_windows() API. We should set the rx slot
first before instantiating a test based on its value.
Setting ""nsapi.dns-cache-size": 0" still left some of the DNS
caching code in. Add crude #if to remove all of it.
This allows one to save 429 bytes of flash and 48 bytes of RAM on
ARMC5 builds.