The USB ISTR register consists of a mix of bits that are
write-zero-to-clear and read only bits. As such, to clear a bit in
the ISTR, you should simply write the bitwise-NOT of the bit to clear.
Previously, the __HAL_PCD_CLEAR_FLAG() macro would do a bitwise-AND
with the ISTR register contents to clear a bit, but this could result
in another bit being inadvertently cleared if it is set by hardware
between the read and the write of the ISTR register.
Similarly, the USB endpoint registers have two bits that are
write-zero-to-clear, USB_EP_CTR_RX and USB_EP_CTR_TX, but the
PCD_CLEAR_RX_EP_CTR() and PCD_CLEAR_TX_EP_CTR() macros wrote back the
last read value for one of these bits when clearing the other bit.
This could result in inadvertent clearing of one of these bits if it
were set by the hardware between the read and the write. These macros
have now both been adjusted to always write one to the bit not being
cleared to prevent inadvertent clears.
HAL driver: Add changes from needad for nrf52840 support
us_ticker, spi, sleep, serial, pwmout, pinmap, object, i2c, gpio, analogin
Add compatibility patches for:
- SoftDevice headers renamed (redirec by a few h files)
- sdk configuration (redirect by sdk_config.h files)
- renaming of func in softdevice handler module
Modifying the code for mbed ci shield test -> analogin_api.c, W7500x_adc.c, gpio_irq_api.c, W7500x_gpio.c
Modifying the code for fix bug -> W7500x_uart.c(register control driver problem), W7500x_uart.h, pinmap.c(pullup, pulldown problem)
Minor change - List of key modifiers updated to include the
logo/GUI/windows key. Also added the options to specify the right hand
versions of the keys rather than just the left if for some reason
someone wants to do this.
Changes are limited to the keyboard header file and are backwards
The new modifier values are in line with the table given on page 56 of
this document
The function headers have been updated to follow the standard format
that should be being used for tools in mbed. This is a one line summary
followed by a descriptive block with more detail.
Updated the handling of the main function so that the logger becomes
global and thus works across all the functions. This has been tested
with both the fork and branch options, and for levels INFO and DEBUG.