Hasnain Virk
Stream class should use mbed::fdopen() to attach a stream
mbed::fdopen() is provided in mbed_retarget.cpp which will attach a stream to the
given FileHandle. Removing mbed_set_unbuffered_stream() from stream class as it
is defined in mbed_retarget.cpp. Stream class should not decide whether it wants
to detach buffers from c library or not. mbed::fdopen() will do that based upon
isatty() call. So if a FileHandle is not a tty, i.e., is not a device type, c library
buffering will not be turned off. For device type FileHandles, c library buffering
is turned off.
2017-05-31 15:02:11 +03:00
Sam Grove
Enable doxygen to use the pre-processor
Best way to enable MBED_DEPRICATED APIs to be properly rendered
requires using the doxygen preprocessor. This means all device_has
labels need to also be defined or the default DOXYGEN_ONLY label
applied to the API headers which this commit does. ASYNCH currently
2017-04-12 09:01:29 -05:00
Jimmy Brisson
Update class documentation tags
stop using scope for \addtogroup. It was placing class methods into the
group documentation instead of the class documentation. The new style is
to explicitly tag the class as @ingroup. This new method will allow the
class to be linked in the group page, and the class page will contain
the detailed documentation of the class methods.
2017-04-04 14:21:53 -05:00
Sam Grove
Updates doxygen errors in documentation for code in the drivers/ directory.
2017-04-04 12:40:09 -05:00
Christopher Haster
Renamed files in platform to match source names
critical.h -> mbed_critical.h
sleep.h -> mbed_sleep.h
toolchain.h -> mbed_toolchain.h
rtc_time.h -> mbed_rtc_time.h
semihost_api.h -> mbed_semihost_api.h
wait_api.h -> mbed_wait_api.h
2017-02-22 18:17:54 -06:00
Jimmy Brisson
Add tags to our code
2016-10-04 15:02:44 -05:00
Bogdan Marinescu
Added a baud argument for (Raw)Serial objects
This commit adds a `baud` argument for Serial and RawSerial objects:
- there is a new `Serial` constructor with a mandatory baud rate
argument. The old constructor also got a `baud` argument with a
default value (to keep backward compatibility).
- the `RawSerial` constructor also got a `baud` argument with a default
There's also a new configuration parameter (`default-serial-baud-rate`)
that can be used to specify the default value of the above `baud`
2016-10-03 20:12:24 +03:00
Sam Grove
For drivers, events, hal, platform, rtos and mbed.h add one level of path to make sure specific and unique includes files are found.
2016-10-01 02:11:36 -05:00
Christopher Haster
restructure - Split hal into drivers+platform+hal
hal/common/AnalogIn.cpp -> drivers/AnalogIn.cpp
hal/api/AnalogIn.h -> drivers/AnalogIn.h
hal/api/AnalogOut.h -> drivers/AnalogOut.h
hal/common/BusIn.cpp -> drivers/BusIn.cpp
hal/api/BusIn.h -> drivers/BusIn.h
hal/common/BusInOut.cpp -> drivers/BusInOut.cpp
hal/api/BusInOut.h -> drivers/BusInOut.h
hal/common/BusOut.cpp -> drivers/BusOut.cpp
hal/api/BusOut.h -> drivers/BusOut.h
hal/common/CAN.cpp -> drivers/CAN.cpp
hal/api/CAN.h -> drivers/CAN.h
hal/api/CircularBuffer.h -> drivers/CircularBuffer.h
hal/api/DigitalIn.h -> drivers/DigitalIn.h
hal/api/DigitalInOut.h -> drivers/DigitalInOut.h
hal/api/DigitalOut.h -> drivers/DigitalOut.h
hal/api/DirHandle.h -> drivers/DirHandle.h
hal/common/Ethernet.cpp -> drivers/Ethernet.cpp
hal/api/Ethernet.h -> drivers/Ethernet.h
hal/common/FileBase.cpp -> drivers/FileBase.cpp
hal/api/FileBase.h -> drivers/FileBase.h
hal/api/FileHandle.h -> drivers/FileHandle.h
hal/common/FileLike.cpp -> drivers/FileLike.cpp
hal/api/FileLike.h -> drivers/FileLike.h
hal/common/FilePath.cpp -> drivers/FilePath.cpp
hal/api/FilePath.h -> drivers/FilePath.h
hal/common/FileSystemLike.cpp -> drivers/FileSystemLike.cpp
hal/api/FileSystemLike.h -> drivers/FileSystemLike.h
hal/common/I2C.cpp -> drivers/I2C.cpp
hal/api/I2C.h -> drivers/I2C.h
hal/common/I2CSlave.cpp -> drivers/I2CSlave.cpp
hal/api/I2CSlave.h -> drivers/I2CSlave.h
hal/common/InterruptIn.cpp -> drivers/InterruptIn.cpp
hal/api/InterruptIn.h -> drivers/InterruptIn.h
hal/common/InterruptManager.cpp -> drivers/InterruptManager.cpp
hal/api/InterruptManager.h -> drivers/InterruptManager.h
hal/common/LocalFileSystem.cpp -> drivers/LocalFileSystem.cpp
hal/api/LocalFileSystem.h -> drivers/LocalFileSystem.h
hal/api/LowPowerTicker.h -> drivers/LowPowerTicker.h
hal/api/LowPowerTimeout.h -> drivers/LowPowerTimeout.h
hal/api/LowPowerTimer.h -> drivers/LowPowerTimer.h
hal/api/PortIn.h -> drivers/PortIn.h
hal/api/PortInOut.h -> drivers/PortInOut.h
hal/api/PortOut.h -> drivers/PortOut.h
hal/api/PwmOut.h -> drivers/PwmOut.h
hal/common/RawSerial.cpp -> drivers/RawSerial.cpp
hal/api/RawSerial.h -> drivers/RawSerial.h
hal/common/SPI.cpp -> drivers/SPI.cpp
hal/api/SPI.h -> drivers/SPI.h
hal/common/SPISlave.cpp -> drivers/SPISlave.cpp
hal/api/SPISlave.h -> drivers/SPISlave.h
hal/common/Serial.cpp -> drivers/Serial.cpp
hal/api/Serial.h -> drivers/Serial.h
hal/common/SerialBase.cpp -> drivers/SerialBase.cpp
hal/api/SerialBase.h -> drivers/SerialBase.h
hal/common/Stream.cpp -> drivers/Stream.cpp
hal/api/Stream.h -> drivers/Stream.h
hal/common/Ticker.cpp -> drivers/Ticker.cpp
hal/api/Ticker.h -> drivers/Ticker.h
hal/common/Timeout.cpp -> drivers/Timeout.cpp
hal/api/Timeout.h -> drivers/Timeout.h
hal/common/Timer.cpp -> drivers/Timer.cpp
hal/api/Timer.h -> drivers/Timer.h
hal/common/TimerEvent.cpp -> drivers/TimerEvent.cpp
hal/api/TimerEvent.h -> drivers/TimerEvent.h
hal/api/Transaction.h -> drivers/Transaction.h
hal/api/can_helper.h -> drivers/can_helper.h
hal/hal/analogin_api.h -> hal/analogin_api.h
hal/hal/analogout_api.h -> hal/analogout_api.h
hal/hal/buffer.h -> hal/buffer.h
hal/hal/can_api.h -> hal/can_api.h
hal/hal/dma_api.h -> hal/dma_api.h
hal/hal/ethernet_api.h -> hal/ethernet_api.h
hal/hal/gpio_api.h -> hal/gpio_api.h
hal/hal/gpio_irq_api.h -> hal/gpio_irq_api.h
hal/hal/i2c_api.h -> hal/i2c_api.h
hal/hal/lp_ticker_api.h -> hal/lp_ticker_api.h
hal/common/mbed_gpio.c -> hal/mbed_gpio.c
hal/common/mbed_lp_ticker_api.c -> hal/mbed_lp_ticker_api.c
hal/common/mbed_pinmap_common.c -> hal/mbed_pinmap_common.c
hal/common/mbed_ticker_api.c -> hal/mbed_ticker_api.c
hal/common/mbed_us_ticker_api.c -> hal/mbed_us_ticker_api.c
hal/hal/pinmap.h -> hal/pinmap.h
hal/hal/port_api.h -> hal/port_api.h
hal/hal/pwmout_api.h -> hal/pwmout_api.h
hal/hal/rtc_api.h -> hal/rtc_api.h
hal/hal/serial_api.h -> hal/serial_api.h
hal/hal/sleep_api.h -> hal/sleep_api.h
hal/hal/spi_api.h -> hal/spi_api.h
hal/hal/storage_abstraction/Driver_Common.h -> hal/storage_abstraction/Driver_Common.h
hal/hal/storage_abstraction/Driver_Storage.h -> hal/storage_abstraction/Driver_Storage.h
hal/hal/ticker_api.h -> hal/ticker_api.h
hal/hal/trng_api.h -> hal/trng_api.h
hal/hal/us_ticker_api.h -> hal/us_ticker_api.h
hal/api/mbed.h -> mbed.h
hal/api/CThunk.h -> platform/CThunk.h
hal/common/CallChain.cpp -> platform/CallChain.cpp
hal/api/CallChain.h -> platform/CallChain.h
hal/api/Callback.h -> platform/Callback.h
hal/api/FunctionPointer.h -> platform/FunctionPointer.h
hal/api/PlatformMutex.h -> platform/PlatformMutex.h
hal/api/SingletonPtr.h -> platform/SingletonPtr.h
hal/api/critical.h -> platform/critical.h
hal/common/mbed_alloc_wrappers.cpp -> platform/mbed_alloc_wrappers.cpp
hal/common/mbed_assert.c -> platform/mbed_assert.c
hal/api/mbed_assert.h -> platform/mbed_assert.h
hal/common/mbed_board.c -> platform/mbed_board.c
hal/common/mbed_critical.c -> platform/mbed_critical.c
hal/api/mbed_debug.h -> platform/mbed_debug.h
hal/common/mbed_error.c -> platform/mbed_error.c
hal/api/mbed_error.h -> platform/mbed_error.h
hal/common/mbed_interface.c -> platform/mbed_interface.c
hal/api/mbed_interface.h -> platform/mbed_interface.h
hal/common/mbed_mem_trace.c -> platform/mbed_mem_trace.c
hal/api/mbed_mem_trace.h -> platform/mbed_mem_trace.h
hal/common/mbed_rtc_time.cpp -> platform/mbed_rtc_time.cpp
hal/common/mbed_semihost_api.c -> platform/mbed_semihost_api.c
hal/api/mbed_stats.h -> platform/mbed_stats.h
hal/common/mbed_wait_api_no_rtos.c -> platform/mbed_wait_api_no_rtos.c
hal/common/mbed_wait_api_rtos.cpp -> platform/mbed_wait_api_rtos.cpp
hal/api/platform.h -> platform/platform.h
hal/common/retarget.cpp -> platform/retarget.cpp
hal/api/rtc_time.h -> platform/rtc_time.h
hal/api/semihost_api.h -> platform/semihost_api.h
hal/api/toolchain.h -> platform/toolchain.h
hal/api/wait_api.h -> platform/wait_api.h
2016-09-30 19:18:09 -05:00