### Description
This PR moves the old memap file handling required for differential
memap from within memap to the toolchain object. This has the
advantage that we can do the `mv <app>.map <app>.map.old` the moment
before it is overwritten by the linker. This should allow multiple
reruns of memap without modifying your build directory.
### Pull request type
[ ] Fix
[x] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
This PR modifies the name of the bin file generated for SMCC FOTA feature
Modify name of the bin file from '-payload.bin' to '_update.bin' in REALTEK_RTL8195AM.py file to adapt the manifest tool requirment for the SMCC FOTA feature.
Pull request type
[ ] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[x] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
The 'archive' method of the toolchain class 'ARM' expects that self.ar
is a string, but the constructor of the class 'ARMC6' initializes it
with a list. This patch fixes the issue.
### Description
Arm compiler 5 builds with "short" enums and "short" wchars. This means
that C/C++ enums will be packed into the smallest power of 2 number of
bytes by the compiler and the `wchar_t` is 2 bytes. Arm compiler 6
defaults to packing enums into 4 bytes and `wchar_t` is 4 bytes.
Further, Arm Compiler 5's `-O0` (no optimizations) bulids will actually
do some amount of optimizing, similar to Arm Compiler 6's `-O1`. I have
switched the debug profile to `-O1` for maximum compatibility with our
prior behavior.
NOTE: "Compatibilize" is a word
### Pull request type
[x] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
Moved "bootloader_not_supported" check to where it was and handle that exception at only one place.
Removed ram/rom size info for realtek from targets.json. THe info we have is not correct.
was Not handling config exceptions from regions and ram_regions property
adding rom-ram info for REALTEK_RTL8195AM
1. Adding SRAM in available ram
2. If the target doesn't exist in cmsis but targets.json, handle accordingly and raise apt exceptions where needed.
3. If no sram is provided, raise exception
### Description
The prior fix assume that the dependencies through `.lib` references
would have a "sane" name. My definition of "sane" here is that the
reference will have a path that starts with the path to the `.lib` file
and _removes_ the `.lib` suffix. The online compiler does not remove the
`.lib` suffix. Instead, it keeps it. This makes the string replacement
in the prior PR fail.
Also, this is faster, and simpler.
### Pull request type
[x] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
### Description
Ignored directories are collected for the sake of exporters that use
a blacklist-style approach similar to these build tools. This ignore
list will include `/filer/<gibberish>` when exported from the online
Compiler. This patch fixes that behavoir.
### Pull request type
[x] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
### Description
The prior fix made the assumption that you wanted to compute all of the
parents for a give header file going all the way up the path. This is
not true: you probably want to stop when the project stops. We already
keep track of a virtual name within the project, so instead, we compute
parents of the name, and generate the actual location of these files in
your FS as the path. This makes the solution robust offline and online
(I tested it with my local copy of os.mbed.com)
### Pull request type
[x] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
Update the padding sequence so that the gaps
are padded after all the regions are merged.
This avoids overwriting active regions and
serializes the process.
RAM/ROM memory data of target is required for statistics and linker
files, goal here is to fetch maximum 4 RAM/ROM regions from CMSIS pack
and make them available for C/C++/Linker flags as defines
### Description
The prior logic assumed that "." would not be added to the include
paths, indicating that the project root would not be added to the
include paths correctly in the online environment ("." would be
incorrect there). This change set started by removing the addition
of "*.", and then fixed building from there.
### Pull request type
[x] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
Exporter hooks removed completely.
Cleanup and improvements to the comments, including removal of the redundant doxygen comments.
Code run through astyle. Additionally:
- changes to drivers/Timer.cpp reverted
- ipcpipe_transport.* files removed as they are not used for now,
- fixed condition in stdio_init.cpp to perform serial initialization only when STDIO is enabled,
- added missing resurce manager call in PWM initialization,
- us_ticker initialization changed to use pre-reserved clock divider (to avoid resource manager call).
Changed reporting level from info to debug in PSOC6.py.
Added missing includes for function declarations in startup files.
Fixed (removed) garbadge text in psoc6_utils.c
Precompiled binaries updated for recent changes in psoc6_utils.c and moved to a separate folder; README and LICENSE files added.
1. In drivers/Timer.cpp make sure that hardware timer is initialized outside of critical section.
This is because on PSoC 6 hardware resources are shared between both cores
and we have to make sure that the other core is not already using a particular resource.
This mechanism is based on interprocessor communication taht cannot be handled iside of
critical section.
2. Added support for post-binary hook function for PSoC 6 targets, so the hex image for M0+ CPU core
can be merged with M4 core image for the final image.
3. Added possibility to use hook function from exportes, so the M0+ hex image could be included
in the generated project.
4. Included hex images in the build dependency list, so the update of image is catched by the
build process.
subprocess.call() does not by default return a status value.
Update the commands to add shell=True which forces a return value.
Also convert the commands to a single string rather than a list as
this plays more nicely with both linux and windows.
Also fix a spurious :
Currently the following commands in examples.py,
all return a success status (ie 0) irrespective of any errors
originating from their sub-functions.
This PR fixes this. Now these commands will return one of:
0 - success
1 - general failure
x - failure returned by a subprocess.call function
### Description
The DS-5 exporter does not work. It exports projects which I'm 100% sure
don't build. I have been looking over supporting it for about 6 months
now and I have convinced myself that I don't think it's worth the
trouble. Shout now if you need this exporter.
### Pull request type
[ ] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[x] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
NRF Softdevice hex file can be in chunks.
Make sure we account for the space where the bootloader resides
by including all the chunks within the end of rom marker. This will
clearly mark out the initial bootloader region.
In Python 3, the map() function returns a map object, not a list object as in
Python 2. Ensure a list object is returned from format_flags() by wrapping
map() in list(). This is compatible with both Python 2 and 3.
Prior to this changeset, applications were all compiled as test #0. This
can lead to unexpected behavoir. In particluar, it's weirdly impossible
to use a `.mbedignore` file to ignore
This PR stops treating applications like tests.
[x] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
### Description
I would love to make this an error, but we have had a duplicate key in
`targets.json` for a while now. Instead, we're merging in a semi-smart way.
This will allow you to have things like `"target.features_add"` twice, and
both will take affect.
### Pull request type
[x] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Docs update
[ ] Test update
[ ] Breaking change
### Description
The `mbed compile -S` command is suposed to indicate what targets
support what toolchains. The command was printing out things that
don't make sense, like `GCC_CR` and things that make sense, but are
not offiially supported yet, like `ARMC6`. This PR fixes all of that.
### Pull request type
[x] Fix
[ ] Refactor
[ ] Target update
[ ] Functionality change
[ ] Breaking change