diff --git a/tools/export/__init__.py b/tools/export/__init__.py
index 46c4488f1d..035f099265 100644
--- a/tools/export/__init__.py
+++ b/tools/export/__init__.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ EXPORTERS = {
'make_armc5': makefile.Armc5,
'make_iar': makefile.IAR,
'ds5_5': ds5_5.DS5_5,
- 'iar': iar.IAREmbeddedWorkbench,
+ 'iar': iar.IAR,
'emblocks' : emblocks.IntermediateFile,
'coide' : coide.CoIDE,
'kds' : kds.KDS,
diff --git a/tools/export/iar.py b/tools/export/iar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2037de79fe..0000000000
--- a/tools/export/iar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-mbed SDK
-Copyright (c) 2011-2016 ARM Limited
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import re
-import os
-from project_generator_definitions.definitions import ProGenDef
-from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, ExporterTargetsProperty
-from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP, TARGET_NAMES
-# If you wish to add a new target, add it to project_generator_definitions, and then
-# define progen_target name in the target class (`` self.progen_target = 'my_target_name' ``)
-class IAREmbeddedWorkbench(Exporter):
- """
- Exporter class for IAR Systems. This class uses project generator.
- """
- # These 2 are currently for exporters backward compatiblity
- NAME = 'iar_arm'
- # PROGEN_ACTIVE contains information for exporter scripts that this is using progen
- @ExporterTargetsProperty
- def TARGETS(cls):
- if not hasattr(cls, "_targets_supported"):
- cls._targets_supported = []
- progendef = ProGenDef('iar')
- for target in TARGET_NAMES:
- try:
- if (progendef.is_supported(str(TARGET_MAP[target])) or
- progendef.is_supported(TARGET_MAP[target].progen['target'])):
- cls._targets_supported.append(target)
- except AttributeError:
- # target is not supported yet
- continue
- return cls._targets_supported
- def generate(self):
- """ Generates the project files """
- project_data = self.progen_get_project_data()
- try:
- if TARGET_MAP[self.target].progen['iar']['template']:
- project_data['template']=TARGET_MAP[self.target].progen['iar']['template']
- except KeyError:
- # use default template
- # by the mbed projects
- project_data['template']=[os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'iar_template.ewp.tmpl')]
- project_data['misc'] = self.flags
- # VLA is enabled via template IccAllowVLA
- if "--vla" in project_data['misc']['c_flags']:
- project_data['misc']['c_flags'].remove("--vla")
- # Static destruction enabled via template
- if "--no_static_destruction" in project_data['misc']['cxx_flags']:
- project_data['misc']['cxx_flags'].remove("--no_static_destruction")
- project_data['misc']['asm_flags'] = list(set(project_data['misc']['asm_flags']))
- project_data['build_dir'] = os.path.join(project_data['build_dir'], 'iar_arm')
- self.progen_gen_file(project_data)
-# Currently not used, we should reuse folder_name to create virtual folders
-class IarFolder():
- """
- This is a recursive folder object.
- To present the folder structure in the IDE as it is presented on the disk.
- This can be used for uvision as well if you replace the __str__ method.
- Example:
- files: ./main.cpp, ./apis/I2C.h, ./mbed/common/I2C.cpp
- in the project this would look like:
- main.cpp
- common/I2C.cpp
- input:
- folder_level : folder path to current folder
- folder_name : name of current folder
- source_files : list of source_files (all must be in same directory)
- """
- def __init__(self, folder_level, folder_name, source_files):
- self.folder_level = folder_level
- self.folder_name = folder_name
- self.source_files = source_files
- self.sub_folders = {}
- def __str__(self):
- """
- converts the folder structue to IAR project format.
- """
- group_start = ""
- group_end = ""
- if self.folder_name != "":
- group_start = "\n%s\n" %(self.folder_name)
- group_end = "\n"
- str_content = group_start
- #Add files in current folder
- if self.source_files:
- for src in self.source_files:
- str_content += "\n$PROJ_DIR$/%s\n\n" % src
- #Add sub folders
- if self.sub_folders:
- for folder_name in self.sub_folders.iterkeys():
- str_content += self.sub_folders[folder_name].__str__()
- str_content += group_end
- return str_content
- def insert_file(self, source_input):
- """
- Inserts a source file into the folder tree
- """
- if self.source_files:
- #All source_files in a IarFolder must be in same directory.
- dir_sources = IarFolder.get_directory(self.source_files[0])
- #Check if sources are already at their deepest level.
- if not self.folder_level == dir_sources:
- _reg_exp = r"^" + re.escape(self.folder_level) + r"[/\\]?([^/\\]+)"
- folder_name = re.match(_reg_exp, dir_sources).group(1)
- self.sub_folders[folder_name] = IarFolder(os.path.join(self.folder_level, folder_name), folder_name, self.source_files)
- self.source_files = []
- dir_input = IarFolder.get_directory(source_input)
- if dir_input == self.folder_level:
- self.source_files.append(source_input)
- else:
- _reg_exp = r"^" + re.escape(self.folder_level) + r"[/\\]?([^/\\]+)"
- folder_name = re.match(_reg_exp, dir_input).group(1)
- if self.sub_folders.has_key(folder_name):
- self.sub_folders[folder_name].insert_file(source_input)
- else:
- if self.folder_level == "":
- #Top level exception
- self.sub_folders[folder_name] = IarFolder(folder_name, folder_name, [source_input])
- else:
- self.sub_folders[folder_name] = IarFolder(os.path.join(self.folder_level, folder_name), folder_name, [source_input])
- @staticmethod
- def get_directory(file_path):
- """
- Returns the directory of the file
- """
- return os.path.dirname(file_path)
diff --git a/tools/export/iar/__init__.py b/tools/export/iar/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c1caa9bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/export/iar/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import os
+from os.path import sep, join, exists
+from collections import namedtuple
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+import re
+from tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
+from tools.export.exporters import Exporter, FailedBuildException
+import json
+class IAR(Exporter):
+ NAME = 'iar'
+ def_loc = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..',
+ 'tools','export', 'iar', 'iar_definitions.json')
+ with open(def_loc, 'r') as f:
+ IAR_DEFS = json.load(f)
+ TARGETS = [target for target, obj in TARGET_MAP.iteritems()
+ if hasattr(obj, 'device_name') and
+ obj.device_name in IAR_DEFS.keys()]
+ 'rz_a1h' : 'iar/iar_rz_a1h.ewp.tmpl',
+ 'nucleo_f746zg' : 'iar/nucleo_f746zg.ewp.tmpl'
+ }
+ def iar_groups(self, grouped_src):
+ """Return a namedtuple of group info
+ Positional Arguments:
+ grouped_src: dictionary mapping a group(str) to sources
+ within it (list of file names)
+ Relevant part of IAR template
+ {% for group in groups %}
+ group.name
+ {% for file in group.files %}
+ $PROJ_DIR${{file}}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ """
+ IARgroup = namedtuple('IARgroup', ['name','files'])
+ groups = []
+ for name, files in grouped_src.items():
+ groups.append(IARgroup(name,files))
+ return groups
+ def iar_device(self):
+ device_name = TARGET_MAP[self.target].device_name
+ device_info = self.IAR_DEFS[device_name]
+ iar_defaults ={
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "",
+ "CoreVariant": '',
+ "GFPUCoreSlave": '',
+ "GFPUCoreSlave2": 40,
+ "GBECoreSlave": 35
+ }
+ iar_defaults.update(device_info)
+ IARdevice = namedtuple('IARdevice', iar_defaults.keys())
+ return IARdevice(**iar_defaults)
+ def format_file(self, file):
+ return join('$PROJ_DIR$',file)
+ def format_src(self, srcs):
+ grouped = self.group_project_files(srcs)
+ for group, files in grouped.items():
+ grouped[group] = [self.format_file(src) for src in files]
+ return grouped
+ def get_ewp_template(self):
+ return self.SPECIAL_TEMPLATES.get(self.target.lower(), 'iar/ewp.tmpl')
+ def generate(self):
+ """Generate the .ww and .ewp files"""
+ srcs = self.resources.headers + self.resources.s_sources + \
+ self.resources.c_sources + self.resources.cpp_sources + \
+ self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries
+ flags = self.flags
+ flags['c_flags'] = list(set(flags['common_flags']
+ + flags['c_flags']
+ + flags['cxx_flags']))
+ flags['c_flags'].remove('--vla')
+ ctx = {
+ 'name': self.project_name,
+ 'groups': self.iar_groups(self.format_src(srcs)),
+ 'linker_script': self.format_file(self.resources.linker_script),
+ 'include_paths': [self.format_file(src) for src in self.resources.inc_dirs],
+ 'device': self.iar_device(),
+ 'ewp': sep+self.project_name + ".ewp"
+ }
+ ctx.update(flags)
+ self.gen_file('iar/eww.tmpl', ctx, self.project_name+".eww")
+ self.gen_file(self.get_ewp_template(), ctx, self.project_name + ".ewp")
+ def _parse_subprocess_output(self, output):
+ num_errors = 0
+ lines = output.split("\n")
+ error_re = '\s*Total number of errors:\s*(\d+)\s*'
+ for line in lines:
+ m = re.match(error_re, line)
+ if m is not None:
+ num_errors = m.group(1)
+ return int(num_errors)
+ def build(self):
+ """ Build IAR project """
+ # > IarBuild [project_path] -build [project_name]
+ proj_file = join(self.export_dir, self.project_name + ".ewp")
+ if find_executable("IarBuild"):
+ iar_exe = "IarBuild.exe"
+ else:
+ iar_exe = join('C:', sep,
+ 'Program Files (x86)', 'IAR Systems',
+ 'Embedded Workbench 7.5', 'common', 'bin',
+ 'IarBuild.exe')
+ if not exists(iar_exe):
+ raise Exception("UV4.exe not found. Add to path.")
+ cmd = [iar_exe, proj_file, '-build', self.project_name]
+ p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ output, err = p.communicate()
+ num_errors = self._parse_subprocess_output(output)
+ if num_errors !=0:
+ # Seems like something went wrong.
+ raise FailedBuildException("Project: %s build failed with %s erros" % (
+ proj_file, num_errors))
diff --git a/tools/export/iar/ewp.tmpl b/tools/export/iar/ewp.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e562f1b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/export/iar/ewp.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+ 2
+ {{name}}
+ 0
+ General
+ 3
+ 22
+ 1
+ 1
+ 2
+ 31
+ 1
+ 1
+ 2
+ 9
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 3
+ 0
+ 1
+ 0
+ 16
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ {% for group in groups %}
+ {{group.name}}
+ {% for file in group.files %}
+ {{file}}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
diff --git a/tools/export/iar/eww.tmpl b/tools/export/iar/eww.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f51c62c42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/export/iar/eww.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ $WS_DIR${{ewp}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/export/iar/iar_definitions.json b/tools/export/iar/iar_definitions.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c119c2b85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/export/iar/iar_definitions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ "stm32l476vg": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32L476VG\tST STM32L476VG"
+ },
+ "LPC11U24FBD48/401": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "LPC11U24FBD64_401\tNXP LPC11U24FBD64_401"
+ },
+ "STM32L432KC": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32L432KC\tST STM32L432KC"
+ },
+ "STM32F334R8": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F334x8\tST STM32F334x8"
+ },
+ "STM32F302R8": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F302x8\tST STM32F302x8"
+ },
+ "EFM32LG990F256": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "EFM32LG990F256\tSiliconLaboratories EFM32LG990F256"
+ },
+ "STM32F042K6": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F042x6\tST STM32F042x6"
+ },
+ "stm32l476rg": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32L476RG\tST STM32L476RG"
+ },
+ "STM32L011K4": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32L011x4\tST STM32L011x4"
+ },
+ "EFM32WG990F256": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "EFM32WG990F256\tSiliconLaboratories EFM32WG990F256"
+ },
+ "STM32F401RE": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F401xE\tST STM32F401xE"
+ },
+ "STM32F070RB": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F070RB\tST STM32F070RB"
+ },
+ "STM32F767ZI": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F767ZI\tST STM32F767ZI",
+ "CoreVariant": 41,
+ "GFPUCoreSlave2": 41,
+ "GBECoreSlave": 35
+ },
+ "MK64FN1M0xxx12": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "MK64FN1M0xxx12\tFreescale MK64FN1M0xxx12"
+ },
+ "STM32F072RB": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F072RB\tST STM32F072RB"
+ },
+ "nRF51822_xxAA": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "nRF51822-QFAA\tNordicSemi nRF51822-QFAA"
+ },
+ "EFM32GG990F1024": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "EFM32GG990F1024\tSiliconLaboratories EFM32GG990F1024"
+ },
+ "MKL46Z256xxx4": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "MKL46Z256xxx4\tFreescale MKL46Z256xxx4"
+ },
+ "STM32F030R8": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F030x8\tST STM32F030x8"
+ },
+ "EFM32ZG222F32": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "EFM32ZG220F32\tSiliconLaboratories EFM32ZG220F32"
+ },
+ "STM32F303RE": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F303xE\tST STM32F303xE"
+ },
+ "STM32L152RE": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32L152xE\tST STM32L152xE"
+ },
+ "STM32F439ZI": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F439ZI\tST STM32F439ZI"
+ },
+ "LPC1768": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "LPC1768\tNXP LPC1768"
+ },
+ "STM32F446RE": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F446RE\tST STM32F446RE"
+ },
+ "STM32L073RZ": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32L073xz\tST STM32L073xz"
+ },
+ "stm32ff746zg": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F746ZG\tST STM32F746ZG",
+ "CoreVariant": 41,
+ "GFPUCoreSlave2": 41,
+ "GBECoreSlave": 41
+ },
+ "MKL43Z256xxx4": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "MKL43Z256xxx4\tFreescale MKL43Z256xxx4"
+ },
+ "STM32F410RB": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F410x\tST STM32F410x"
+ },
+ "LPC812M101JDH20": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "LPC812M101\tNXP LPC812M101"
+ },
+ "stm32f746ng": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F746NG\tST STM32F746NG"
+ },
+ "STM32F411RE": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F411RE\tST STM32F411RE"
+ },
+ "STM32L053C8": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32L053x8\tST STM32L053x8"
+ },
+ "STM32L031K6": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32L031x6\tST STM32L031x6"
+ },
+ "STM32F469NI": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F469NI\tST STM32F469NI"
+ },
+ "EFM32HG322F64": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "EFM32HG322F64\tSiliconLaboratories EFM32HG322F64"
+ },
+ "MK20DX256xxx7": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "MK20DX256xxx7\tFreescale MK20DX256xxx7"
+ },
+ "EFM32PG1B100F256GM32": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "EFM32PG1B200F256GM48\tSiliconLaboratories EFM32PG1B200F256GM48",
+ "CoreVariant": 39,
+ "GFPUCoreSlave2": 39,
+ "GBECoreSlave": 39
+ },
+ "STM32F446ZE": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F446ZE\tST STM32F446ZE"
+ },
+ "MK22DN512xxx5": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "MK22FN512xxx12\tFreescale MK22FN512xxx12"
+ },
+ "STM32F303K8": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F303x8\tST STM32F303x8"
+ },
+ "STM32F405RG": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F405RG\tST STM32F405RG"
+ },
+ "MK20DX128xxx5": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "MK20DX128xxx5\tFreescale MK20DX128xxx5"
+ },
+ "MKL25Z128xxx4": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "MKL25Z128xxx4\tFreescale MKL25Z128xxx4"
+ },
+ "STM32F429ZI": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F429ZI\tST STM32F429ZI"
+ },
+ "STM32F103RB": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F103xB\tST STM32F103xB"
+ },
+ "STM32F091RC": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F091RC\tST STM32F091RC"
+ },
+ "r7s721001": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "R7S721001\tRenesas R7S721001",
+ "CoreVariant": 37,
+ "GFPUCoreSlave": 37,
+ "GBECoreSlave": 37,
+ "NEON":1
+ },
+ "MKL05Z32xxx4": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "MKL05Z32xxx4\tFreescale MKL05Z32xxx4"
+ },
+ "STM32F031K6": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F031x6\tST STM32F031x6"
+ },
+ "max326000x85": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "MAX32600x85\tMaxim MAX32600x85"
+ },
+ "STM32F407VG": {
+ "OGChipSelectEditMenu": "STM32F407VG\tST STM32F407VG"
+ }
diff --git a/tools/export/iar_nucleo_f746zg.ewp.tmpl b/tools/export/iar/iar_nucleo_f746zg.ewp.tmpl
similarity index 98%
rename from tools/export/iar_nucleo_f746zg.ewp.tmpl
rename to tools/export/iar/iar_nucleo_f746zg.ewp.tmpl
index 228fbf8b18..be2a678f1c 100644
--- a/tools/export/iar_nucleo_f746zg.ewp.tmpl
+++ b/tools/export/iar/iar_nucleo_f746zg.ewp.tmpl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- Debug
+ {{name}}
@@ -16,16 +16,21 @@
@@ -725,7 +732,7 @@
+ {% for group in groups %}
+ {{group.name}}
+ {% for file in group.files %}
+ {{file}}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ 2
diff --git a/tools/export/iar_rz_a1h.ewp.tmpl b/tools/export/iar/iar_rz_a1h.ewp.tmpl
similarity index 96%
rename from tools/export/iar_rz_a1h.ewp.tmpl
rename to tools/export/iar/iar_rz_a1h.ewp.tmpl
index 4d5338da84..84833e64e7 100644
--- a/tools/export/iar_rz_a1h.ewp.tmpl
+++ b/tools/export/iar/iar_rz_a1h.ewp.tmpl
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- Debug
+ {{name}}
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
@@ -689,7 +693,7 @@
+ {% for group in groups %}
+ {{group.name}}
+ {% for file in group.files %}
+ {{file}}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ 2
diff --git a/tools/export/iar_template.ewp.tmpl b/tools/export/iar_template.ewp.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 332c5814b2..0000000000
--- a/tools/export/iar_template.ewp.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,995 +0,0 @@
- 2
- Debug
- 1
- General
- 3
- 22
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 30
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 9
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 16
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 0