arm_pack_manager - refactored Cache into class and downloaded pack files

Jimmy Brisson 2016-06-02 18:49:11 -05:00 committed by Sarah Marsh
parent 44980ab009
commit 687a9ba652
1 changed files with 119 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -7,68 +7,21 @@ from errno import EEXIST
from threading import Thread
from Queue import Queue
from re import compile, sub
from sys import stderr, stdout
RootPackURL = ""
class Cacher (Thread) :
def __init__(self, queue, silent, func) :
self.queue = queue
self.curl = Curl()
self.curl.setopt(self.curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
self.silent = silent
self.func = func
def run(self) :
while True :
url = self.queue.get()
self.func(self.curl, url, self.silent)
protocol_matcher = compile("\w*://")
def strip_protocol(url) :
return sub(protocol_matcher, "", url)
def cache_file (curl, url, silent=False) :
if not silent : print("Caching {}...".format(url))
dest = join(save_data_path('arm-pack-manager'), strip_protocol(url))
try :
except OSError as exc :
if exc.errno == EEXIST : pass
else : raise
with open(dest, "wb+") as fd :
curl.setopt(curl.URL, url)
curl.setopt(curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
curl.setopt(curl.WRITEDATA, fd)
curl.setopt(curl.TIMEOUT, 5)
try :
except Exception:
def largest_version(content) :
return sorted([t['version'] for t in content.package.releases('release')], reverse=True)[0]
def cache_pdsc_and_pack (curl, url, silent=False) :
content = cache_and_parse(url)
try :
new_url = content.package.url.get_text()
if not new_url.endswith("/") :
new_url = new_url + "/"
new_url +
content.package.vendor.get_text() + "." +
content.package.find('name').get_text() + "." +
largest_version(content) + ".pack",
except AttributeError :
print("[WARNING] {} does not appear to be a conforming .pdsc file".format(url))
def do_queue(function, interable, silent=False) :
def do_queue(function, interable) :
q = Queue()
threads = [Cacher(q, silent, function) for each in range(10)]
threads = [Cacher(q, function) for each in range(20)]
for each in threads :
@ -76,23 +29,126 @@ def do_queue(function, interable, silent=False) :
def cache_everything(silent=False) :
urls = [join(pdsc.get('url'), pdsc.get('name')) for pdsc in cache_and_parse(RootPackURL,silent).find_all("pdsc")]
do_queue(cache_pdsc_and_pack, urls, silent)
def pull_from_cache(url) :
dest = join(save_data_path('arm-pack-manager'), strip_protocol(url))
with open(dest, "r") as fd :
return BeautifulSoup(fd, "html.parser")
class Cacher (Thread) :
def __init__(self, queue, func) :
self.queue = queue
self.curl = Curl()
self.curl.setopt(self.curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
self.func = func
def run(self) :
while True :
url = self.queue.get()
self.func(self.curl, url)
def gen_dict_from_cache() :
pdsc_files = pull_from_cache(RootPackUrl)
def cache_and_parse(url, silent=False) :
cache_file(Curl(), url, silent)
return pull_from_cache(url)
class Cache () :
def __init__ (self, silent, no_timeouts) :
self.silent = silent
self.counter = 0 = 1
self.no_timeouts = no_timeouts
def display_counter (self) :
stdout.write("Caching Files {}/{}\r".format(self. counter,
def cache_file (self, curl, url) :
if not self.silent : print("Caching {}...".format(url))
dest = join(save_data_path('arm-pack-manager'), strip_protocol(url))
try :
except OSError as exc :
if exc.errno == EEXIST : pass
else : raise
with open(dest, "wb+") as fd :
curl.setopt(curl.URL, url)
curl.setopt(curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
curl.setopt(curl.WRITEDATA, fd)
if not self.no_timeouts :
curl.setopt(curl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2)
curl.setopt(curl.LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 50 * 1024)
curl.setopt(curl.LOW_SPEED_TIME, 2)
try :
except Exception as e:
stderr.write("[ ERROR ] file {} did not download {}\n".format(url, str(e)))
self.counter += 1
def cache_pdsc_and_pack (self, curl, url) :
content = self.cache_and_parse(url)
try :
new_url = content.package.url.get_text()
if not new_url.endswith("/") :
new_url = new_url + "/"
self. cache_file(curl,
new_url +
content.package.vendor.get_text() + "." +
content.package.find('name').get_text() + "." +
largest_version(content) + ".pack")
except AttributeError :
stderr.write("[ ERROR ] {} does not appear to be a conforming .pdsc file\n".format(url))
self.counter += 1
def cache_everything(self) :
urls = [join(pdsc.get('url'), pdsc.get('name')) for pdsc in self.cache_and_parse(RootPackURL).find_all("pdsc")] = len(urls) * 2
do_queue(self.cache_pdsc_and_pack, urls)
def pull_from_cache(self, url) :
dest = join(save_data_path('arm-pack-manager'), strip_protocol(url))
with open(dest, "r") as fd :
return BeautifulSoup(fd, "html.parser")
def gen_dict_from_cache() :
pdsc_files = pull_from_cache(RootPackUrl)
def cache_and_parse(self, url) :
self.cache_file(Curl(), url)
return self.pull_from_cache(url)
def subcommand(name, *args, **kwargs):
def subcommand(command):
subparser = subparsers.add_parser(name, **kwargs)
for arg in args:
arg = dict(arg)
opt = arg['name']
del arg['name']
if isinstance(opt, basestring):
subparser.add_argument(opt, **arg)
subparser.add_argument(*opt, **arg)
subparser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="Verbose diagnostic output")
subparser.add_argument("-vv", "--very_verbose", action="store_true", dest="very_verbose", help="Very verbose diagnostic output")
subparser.add_argument("--no-timeouts", action="store_true", help="Remove all timeouts and try to download unconditionally")
def thunk(parsed_args):
cache = Cache(not parsed_args.verbose, parserd_args.no_timeouts)
argv = [arg['dest'] if 'dest' in arg else arg['name'] for arg in args]
argv = [(arg if isinstance(arg, basestring) else arg[-1]).strip('-')
for arg in argv]
argv = {arg: vars(parsed_args)[arg] for arg in argv
if vars(parsed_args)[arg] is not None}
return command(**argv)
return command
return subcommand
if __name__ == "__main__" :
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A Handy little utility for keeping your cache of pack files up to date.')
foo = Cache(True, False)