Revert "Use hex delivery mode for NRF51822"

This reverts commit 658b18d502.
tkuyucu 2014-02-07 09:31:34 +01:00
parent a3a52123e4
commit 5038233192
2 changed files with 6 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -116,8 +116,6 @@ def build_library(src_paths, build_path, target, toolchain_name,
toolchain.copy_files(resource.headers, build_path, rel_path=resource.base_path)
toolchain.resources = resources
# Compile Sources
objects = []
for resource in resources:

View File

@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class LPC4088(Target):
hook.hook_add_binary("post", self.binary_hook)
def binary_hook(t_self, elf, binf):
def binary_hook(t_self, resources, elf, binf):
if not os.path.isdir(binf):
# Regular binary file, nothing to do
@ -318,64 +318,50 @@ class NRF51822(Target):
self.supported_toolchains = ["ARM"]
self.binary_format = "hex"
def init_hooks(self, hook, toolchain_name):
if toolchain_name in ['ARM_STD', 'ARM_MICRO']:
hook.hook_add_binary("post", self.binary_hook)
def binary_hook(t_self, elf, binf):
for hexf in t_self.resources.hex_files:
def binary_hook(t_self, resources, elf, binf):
for hexf in resources.hex_files:
if hexf.find(NRF51822.EXPECTED_SOFTDEVICE) != -1:
t_self.debug("Hex file not found. Aborting.")
# Generate hex file
# NOTE: this is temporary, it will be removed later and only the
# combined binary file (below) will be used
from intelhex import IntelHex
binh = IntelHex()
binh.loadbin(binf, offset = NRF51822.APPCODE_OFFSET)
sdh = IntelHex(hexf)
outname = binf + ".temp"
outname = binf.replace(".bin", ".hex")
with open(outname, "w") as f:
sdh.tofile(f, format = 'hex')
t_self.debug("Generated SoftDevice-enabled image in '%s'" % outname)
if == "hex":
os.rename(outname, binf)
# Generate concatenated SoftDevice + application binary
# Currently, this is only supported for SoftDevice images that have
# an UICR area
sdh = IntelHex(hexf)
if sdh.maxaddr() < NRF51822.UICR_START:
t_self.error("SoftDevice image does not have UICR area. Aborting.")
t_self.error("SoftDevice image does not have UICR area, aborting")
addrlist = sdh.addresses()
uicr_start_index = addrlist.index(NRF51822.UICR_START)
except ValueError:
t_self.error("UICR start address not found in the SoftDevice image. Aborting.")
t_self.error("UICR start address not found in the SoftDevice image, aborting")
# Assume that everything up to uicr_start_index are contiguous addresses
# in the SoftDevice code area
softdevice_code_size = addrlist[uicr_start_index - 1] + 1
t_self.debug("SoftDevice code size is %d bytes" % softdevice_code_size)
# First part: SoftDevice code
bindata = sdh[:softdevice_code_size].tobinstr()
# Second part: pad with 0xFF up to APPCODE_OFFSET
bindata = bindata + '\xFF' * (NRF51822.APPCODE_OFFSET - softdevice_code_size)
# Last part: the application code
with open(binf, 'r+b') as f:
bindata = bindata +