RTX5: disabled OS Tick interrupt during post processing in IRQ handler for Cortex-A devices

Vladimir Umek 2018-03-28 14:51:34 +02:00 committed by TomoYamanaka
parent 9c62ea311d
commit 0226b11b67
1 changed files with 18 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -212,22 +212,35 @@ IRQ_End
LDR R0, =SVC_Active
LDRB R0, [R0] ; Load SVC_Active flag
CMP R0, #0
BNE IRQ_SwitchCheck ; Skip post processing when SVC active
BNE IRQ_Exit ; SVC active, exit from IRQ handler
; RTX IRQ post processing check
LDR R4, =IRQ_PendSV ; Load address of IRQ_PendSV flag
LDRB R0, [R4] ; Load PendSV flag
CMP R0, #1 ; Compare PendSV value
BNE IRQ_SwitchCheck ; Skip post processing if not pending
PUSH {R5, R6} ; Save user R5 and R6
MOV R6, #0
LDR R5, =IRQ_PendSV ; Load address of IRQ_PendSV flag
; Disable OS Tick
LDR R5, =osRtxInfo ; Load address of osRtxInfo
LDR R5, [R5, #I_TICK_IRQN_OFS] ; Load OS Tick irqn
MOV R0, R5 ; Set it as function parameter
BLX IRQ_Disable ; Disable OS Tick interrupt
MOV R6, #0 ; Set PendSV clear value
B IRQ_PendCheck
STRB R6, [R5] ; Clear PendSV flag
STRB R6, [R4] ; Clear PendSV flag
CPSIE i ; Re-enable interrupts
BLX osRtxPendSV_Handler ; Post process pending objects
CPSID i ; Disable interrupts
LDRB R0, [R5] ; Load PendSV flag
LDRB R0, [R4] ; Load PendSV flag
CMP R0, #1 ; Compare PendSV value
BEQ IRQ_PendExec ; Branch to IRQ_PendExec if PendSV is set
; Re-enable OS Tick
MOV R0, R5 ; Restore irqn as function parameter
BLX IRQ_Enable ; Enable OS Tick interrupt
POP {R5, R6} ; Restore user R5 and R6