"msg":"TF-M patch: General modifications, Remove un-needed files, Disable printf and uart, Modify include paths, Guard macros from mbed_lib with ifndef"
"msg":"TF-M patch: Fix tfm_ns_lock_init issue (TF-M issue #239), Link to bug tracking: https://developer.trustedfirmware.org/T239"
"msg":"TF-M patch: Fix service handles not cleared issue (TF-M issue #230), Link to bug tracking: https://developer.trustedfirmware.org/T230"
"msg":"TF-M patch: Fix tfm_psa_call_venner wrong argument type (TF-M issue #241), Link to bug tracking: https://developer.trustedfirmware.org/T241"
"msg":"TF-M patch: Change #if TFM_PSA_API to #ifdef TFM_PSA_API to avoid compiler errors as mbed-cli only generates "-D" macros only for "macros" defined in targets.json, TF-M task link: https://developer.trustedfirmware.org/T396"
"msg":"TF-M patch: Remove secure_fw/core/tfm_func_api.c which is required only when TFM_PSA_API is not set"
"msg":"TF-M patch/workaround related to (TF-M issue #T240), Link to bug tracking: https://developer.trustedfirmware.org/T240, The issue is fixed by TF-M team. However they autogenerate region details (code, ro, rw, zi and stack ) using linker scripts and in mbed-os we also autogenerate region details but using mix of service definition in json file and other template files."