*`CRYPTOCELL310` to `feature`. Use this in your common code that you need to remove from compilation in case CC exists in your board. Use `#if !defined(FEATURE_CRYPTOCELL310)` and `#if defined(FEATURE_CRYPTOCELL310)`.
1. In `objects.h`, include `objects_cryptocell.h`. You can use the `FEATURE_CRYPTOCELL310` precompilation check as defined above.
1. In `features/cryptocell/FEATURE_CRYPTOCELL310/TARGET_<target name>`, add your platform-specific libraries for all toolchains in `TOOLCHAIN_ARM`, `TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM` and `TOOLCHAIN_IAR` respectively.
* Implement `crypto_platform_setup()` and `crypto_platform_terminate()` to enable CC on your platform, in case you have board-specific setup functionality, required for CC setup. You MUST call 'SaSi_LibInit()` and 'SaSi_LibFini()' respectively in these functions.
* Define `crypto_platform_ctx` in `crypto_platform.h` in a way that suits your implementation.