
265 lines
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2014-12-25 12:19:29 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2013-08-06 13:38:00 +00:00
mbed SDK
Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import sys
from os.path import join, abspath, dirname, exists
ROOT = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), ".."))
sys.path.insert(0, ROOT)
from shutil import move
from workspace_tools.paths import *
from workspace_tools.utils import mkdir, cmd
from workspace_tools.export import export, setup_user_prj
USR_PRJ_NAME = "usr_prj"
USER_SRC = join(USER_PRJ, "src")
def setup_test_user_prj():
if exists(USER_PRJ):
print 'Test user project already generated...'
setup_user_prj(USER_PRJ, join(TEST_DIR, "rtos", "mbed", "basic"), [join(LIB_DIR, "rtos"), join(LIB_DIR, "tests", "mbed", "env")])
open(join(USER_SRC, "mbed.bld"), 'w').write("http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed/builds/976df7c37ad5\n")
def fake_build_url_resolver(url):
# FAKE BUILD URL: Ignore the URL, always return the path to the mbed library
return {'path':MBED_LIBRARIES, 'name':'mbed'}
def test_export(toolchain, target, expected_error=None):
if toolchain is None and target is None:
base_dir = join(EXPORT_TMP, "zip")
base_dir = join(EXPORT_TMP, toolchain, target)
temp_dir = join(base_dir, "temp")
zip_path, report = export(USER_PRJ, USR_PRJ_NAME, toolchain, target, base_dir, temp_dir, False, None, fake_build_url_resolver)
if report['success']:
move(zip_path, join(EXPORT_DIR, "export_%s_%s.zip" % (toolchain, target)))
print "[OK]"
if expected_error is None:
print '[ERRROR] %s' % report['errormsg']
if (zip_path is None) and (expected_error in report['errormsg']):
print '[OK]'
print '[ERROR]'
print ' zip:', zip_path
print ' msg:', report['errormsg']
if __name__ == '__main__':
for toolchain, target in [
('zip', 'LPC1768'),
('emblocks', 'LPC1768'),
('emblocks', 'LPC1549'),
('emblocks', 'LPC1114'),
('emblocks', 'LPC11U35_401'),
('emblocks', 'LPC11U35_501'),
('emblocks', 'LPCCAPPUCCINO'),
('emblocks', 'LPC2368'),
('emblocks', 'STM32F407'),
('emblocks', 'DISCO_F100RB'),
('emblocks', 'DISCO_F051R8'),
('emblocks', 'DISCO_F407VG'),
('emblocks', 'DISCO_F303VC'),
('emblocks', 'NRF51822'),
('emblocks', 'NUCLEO_F401RE'),
('emblocks', 'NUCLEO_F411RE'),
('emblocks', 'MTS_MDOT_F405RG'),
('emblocks', 'MTS_MDOT_F411RE'),
2014-09-30 14:27:09 +00:00
('coide', 'KL05Z'),
('coide', 'KL25Z'),
('coide', 'LPC1768'),
('coide', 'ARCH_PRO'),
('coide', 'DISCO_F407VG'),
('coide', 'NUCLEO_F401RE'),
('coide', 'NUCLEO_F411RE'),
('coide', 'DISCO_F429ZI'),
('coide', 'DISCO_F469NI'),
[EXPORT][NUCLEO_F334R8] export to gcc_arm and coide - rtos library is not working because of double defined SysTick_Handler in system_stm32f3xx.c and in rtos - please see pullrequest #526 for a correct export - tests are working fine: Test summary: +--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+---------------------------------------+--------------------+---------------+-------+ | Result | Target | Toolchain | Test ID | Test Description | Elapsed Time (sec) | Timeout (sec) | Loops | +--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+---------------------------------------+--------------------+---------------+-------+ | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | DTCT_1 | Simple detect test | 0.44 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | EXAMPLE_1 | /dev/null | 3.37 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_10 | Hello World | 0.37 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_11 | Ticker Int | 11.31 | 20 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_12 | C++ | 1.32 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_16 | RTC | 4.7 | 15 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_2 | stdio | 0.76 | 20 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_23 | Ticker Int us | 11.37 | 15 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_24 | Timeout Int us | 11.41 | 15 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_25 | Time us | 11.31 | 15 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_26 | Integer constant division | 1.32 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A1 | Basic | 1.32 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A21 | Call function before main (mbed_main) | 1.31 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A5 | DigitalIn DigitalOut | 1.31 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A6 | DigitalInOut | 1.31 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A7 | InterruptIn | 9.31 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A9 | Serial Echo at 115200 | 5.97 | 10 | 1/1 | +--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+---------------------------------------+--------------------+---------------+-------+ Result: 17 OK Completed in 125.02 sec
2014-10-03 23:45:38 +00:00
('coide', 'NUCLEO_F334R8'),
('coide', 'MTS_MDOT_F405RG'),
('coide', 'MTS_MDOT_F411RE'),
('uvision', 'LPC1768'),
('uvision', 'LPC11U24'),
('uvision', 'KL25Z'),
('uvision', 'LPC1347'),
('uvision', 'LPC1114'),
('uvision', 'LPC4088'),
2015-01-13 08:02:02 +00:00
('uvision', 'LPC4088_DM'),
('uvision', 'LPC4337'),
('uvision', 'HRM1017'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F030R8'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F031K6'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F042K6'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F070RB'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F072RB'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F091RC'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F103RB'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F302R8'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F303K8'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F303RE'),
2014-06-24 09:18:43 +00:00
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F334R8'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F401RE'),
2014-06-20 12:17:55 +00:00
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F411RE'),
2015-08-17 12:37:28 +00:00
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_F446RE'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_L053R8'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_L073RZ'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_L152RE'),
('uvision', 'NUCLEO_L476RG'),
('uvision', 'MTS_MDOT_F405RG'),
('uvision', 'MAXWSNENV'),
('uvision', 'MAX32600MBED'),
('uvision', 'DISCO_L053C8'),
('uvision', 'DISCO_F334C8'),
('uvision', 'DISCO_F746NG'),
('uvision', 'DISCO_F469NI'),
('uvision', 'DISCO_L476VG'),
('lpcxpresso', 'LPC1768'),
('lpcxpresso', 'LPC4088'),
2015-01-13 08:02:02 +00:00
('lpcxpresso', 'LPC4088_DM'),
('lpcxpresso', 'LPC1114'),
2014-04-01 15:23:19 +00:00
('lpcxpresso', 'LPC11U35_401'),
('lpcxpresso', 'LPC11U35_501'),
('lpcxpresso', 'LPCCAPPUCCINO'),
('lpcxpresso', 'LPC1549'),
('lpcxpresso', 'LPC11U68'),
# Linux path: /home/emimon01/bin/gcc-cs/bin/
# Windows path: "C:/Program Files (x86)/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_CodeBench_Lite_for_ARM_EABI/bin/"
('codesourcery', 'LPC1768'),
# Linux path: /home/emimon01/bin/gcc-arm/bin/
# Windows path: C:/arm-none-eabi-gcc-4_7/bin/
('gcc_arm', 'LPC1768'),
2015-01-13 08:02:02 +00:00
('gcc_arm', 'LPC4088_DM'),
('gcc_arm', 'LPC1549'),
('gcc_arm', 'LPC1114'),
('gcc_arm', 'LPC11U35_401'),
('gcc_arm', 'LPC11U35_501'),
('gcc_arm', 'LPCCAPPUCCINO'),
('gcc_arm', 'LPC2368'),
2014-12-25 12:19:29 +00:00
('gcc_arm', 'LPC2460'),
('gcc_arm', 'LPC824'),
('gcc_arm', 'SSCI824'),
('gcc_arm', 'STM32F407'),
2014-03-19 12:15:59 +00:00
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_F100RB'),
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_F051R8'),
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_F407VG'),
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_F303VC'),
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_L053C8'),
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_F334C8'),
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_L053C8'),
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_F746NG'),
('gcc_arm', 'NUCLEO_F031K6'),
('gcc_arm', 'NUCLEO_F042K6'),
('gcc_arm', 'NRF51822'),
2015-10-06 21:24:51 +00:00
('gcc_arm', 'RBLAB_BLENANO')
('gcc_arm', 'HRM1017'),
('gcc_arm', 'NUCLEO_F401RE'),
('gcc_arm', 'NUCLEO_F411RE'),
2015-08-17 12:37:28 +00:00
('gcc_arm', 'NUCLEO_F446RE'),
('gcc_arm', 'ELMO_F411RE'),
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_F429ZI'),
('gcc_arm', 'DISCO_F469NI'),
[EXPORT][NUCLEO_F334R8] export to gcc_arm and coide - rtos library is not working because of double defined SysTick_Handler in system_stm32f3xx.c and in rtos - please see pullrequest #526 for a correct export - tests are working fine: Test summary: +--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+---------------------------------------+--------------------+---------------+-------+ | Result | Target | Toolchain | Test ID | Test Description | Elapsed Time (sec) | Timeout (sec) | Loops | +--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+---------------------------------------+--------------------+---------------+-------+ | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | DTCT_1 | Simple detect test | 0.44 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | EXAMPLE_1 | /dev/null | 3.37 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_10 | Hello World | 0.37 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_11 | Ticker Int | 11.31 | 20 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_12 | C++ | 1.32 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_16 | RTC | 4.7 | 15 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_2 | stdio | 0.76 | 20 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_23 | Ticker Int us | 11.37 | 15 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_24 | Timeout Int us | 11.41 | 15 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_25 | Time us | 11.31 | 15 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_26 | Integer constant division | 1.32 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A1 | Basic | 1.32 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A21 | Call function before main (mbed_main) | 1.31 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A5 | DigitalIn DigitalOut | 1.31 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A6 | DigitalInOut | 1.31 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A7 | InterruptIn | 9.31 | 10 | 1/1 | | OK | NUCLEO_F334R8 | GCC_ARM | MBED_A9 | Serial Echo at 115200 | 5.97 | 10 | 1/1 | +--------+---------------+-----------+-----------+---------------------------------------+--------------------+---------------+-------+ Result: 17 OK Completed in 125.02 sec
2014-10-03 23:45:38 +00:00
('gcc_arm', 'NUCLEO_F334R8'),
('gcc_arm', 'MAX32600MBED'),
('gcc_arm', 'MTS_MDOT_F405RG'),
('gcc_arm', 'MTS_MDOT_F411RE'),
2015-02-26 07:28:58 +00:00
('gcc_arm', 'RZ_A1H'),
('gcc_arm', 'MAXWSNENV'),
('gcc_arm', 'MAX32600MBED'),
2015-06-05 13:22:29 +00:00
('gcc_arm', 'ARCH_BLE'),
('gcc_arm', 'ARCH_MAX'),
('gcc_arm', 'ARCH_PRO'),
('gcc_arm', 'DELTA_DFCM_NNN40'),
('gcc_arm', 'K20D50M'),
('gcc_arm', 'K22F'),
('gcc_arm', 'K64F'),
('gcc_arm', 'KL05Z'),
('gcc_arm', 'KL25Z'),
('gcc_arm', 'KL43Z'),
('gcc_arm', 'KL46Z'),
('gcc_arm', 'EFM32GG_STK3700'),
('gcc_arm', 'EFM32LG_STK3600'),
('gcc_arm', 'EFM32WG_STK3800'),
('gcc_arm', 'EFM32ZG_STK3200'),
('gcc_arm', 'EFM32HG_STK3400'),
('ds5_5', 'LPC1768'),
('ds5_5', 'LPC11U24'),
('ds5_5', 'RZ_A1H'),
('iar', 'LPC1768'),
2015-01-13 08:02:02 +00:00
('iar', 'LPC4088_DM'),
2014-10-27 12:21:44 +00:00
('iar', 'LPC1347'),
2014-11-07 08:49:42 +00:00
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F030R8'),
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F031K6'),
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F042K6'),
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F070RB'),
2014-11-07 08:49:42 +00:00
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F072RB'),
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F091RC'),
2014-10-28 09:17:38 +00:00
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F302R8'),
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F303K8'),
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F303RE'),
2014-10-31 12:40:36 +00:00
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F334R8'),
2014-10-27 10:20:08 +00:00
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F401RE'),
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F411RE'),
2015-08-17 12:37:28 +00:00
('iar', 'NUCLEO_F446RE'),
2014-11-05 09:42:44 +00:00
('iar', 'NUCLEO_L053R8'),
('iar', 'NUCLEO_L073RZ'),
2014-10-27 12:21:44 +00:00
('iar', 'NUCLEO_L152RE'),
('iar', 'NUCLEO_L476RG'),
('iar', 'DISCO_L053C8'),
('iar', 'DISCO_F334C8'),
('iar', 'DISCO_F469NI'),
('iar', 'DISCO_F746NG'),
('iar', 'DISCO_L476VG'),
2014-10-27 16:23:06 +00:00
('iar', 'STM32F407'),
('iar', 'MTS_MDOT_F405RG'),
('iar', 'MTS_MDOT_F411RE'),
('iar', 'MAXWSNENV'),
('iar', 'MAX32600MBED'),
# Removed following item to avoid script error
#(None, None),
print '\n=== Exporting to "%s::%s" ===' % (toolchain, target)
test_export(toolchain, target)
print "\n=== Test error messages ==="
2014-04-01 15:23:19 +00:00
test_export('lpcxpresso', 'LPC11U24', expected_error='lpcxpresso')