2019-06-11 09:21:28 +00:00
* Copyright ( c ) 2019 , Nuvoton Technology Corporation
* SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache - 2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS ,
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied .
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License .
# include "lp_ticker_api.h"
# include "sleep_api.h"
# include "mbed_assert.h"
# include "nu_modutil.h"
# include "nu_timer.h"
# include "nu_miscutil.h"
/* Micro seconds per second */
# define NU_US_PER_SEC 1000000
/* Timer clock per lp_ticker tick */
/* Timer clock per second */
# define NU_TMRCLK_PER_SEC (__LXT)
/* Timer max counter bit size */
/* Timer max counter */
static void tmr1_vec ( void ) ;
/* NOTE: To wake the system from power down mode, timer clock source must be ether LXT or LIRC. */
static const struct nu_modinit_s timer1_modinit = { TIMER_1 , TMR1_MODULE , CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR1SEL_LXT , 0 , TMR1_RST , TMR1_IRQn , ( void * ) tmr1_vec } ;
# define TIMER_MODINIT timer1_modinit
/* Timer interrupt enable/disable
* Because Timer interrupt enable / disable ( TIMER_EnableInt / TIMER_DisableInt ) needs wait for lp_ticker ,
* we call NVIC_DisableIRQ / NVIC_EnableIRQ instead .
/* Track ticker status */
static volatile uint16_t ticker_inited = 0 ;
# define TMR_CMP_MIN 2
# define TMR_CMP_MAX 0xFFFFFFu
/* Synchronization issue with LXT/LIRC-clocked Timer
* PCLK : typical HCLK / 2
* ECLK ( engine clock ) : LXT / LIRC for Timer used to implement lp_ticker
* When system clock is higher than Timer clock ( LXT / LIRC ) , we need to add delay for ECLK
* domain to take effect :
* 1. Write : typical 1 PCLK + 2 ECLK
* Read - check doesn ' t work because it just checks PCLK domain and doesn ' t check into
* ECLK domain .
* 2. Clear interrupt flag : typical 2 PCLK
* It is very rare that we would meet dummy interrupt and get stuck in ISR until
* ' clear interrupt flag ' takes effect . The issue is ignorable because the pending
* time is very short ( at most 1 dummy interrupt ) . We won ' t take special handling for it .
void lp_ticker_init ( void )
if ( ticker_inited ) {
/* By HAL spec, ticker_init allows the ticker to keep counting and disables the
* ticker interrupt . */
lp_ticker_disable_interrupt ( ) ;
return ;
ticker_inited = 1 ;
// Select IP clock source
CLK_SetModuleClock ( TIMER_MODINIT . clkidx , TIMER_MODINIT . clksrc , TIMER_MODINIT . clkdiv ) ;
// Enable IP clock
CLK_EnableModuleClock ( TIMER_MODINIT . clkidx ) ;
2019-07-30 05:37:44 +00:00
// Reset module
SYS_ResetModule ( TIMER_MODINIT . rsetidx ) ;
2019-06-11 09:21:28 +00:00
TIMER_T * timer_base = ( TIMER_T * ) NU_MODBASE ( TIMER_MODINIT . modname ) ;
// Configure clock
uint32_t clk_timer = TIMER_GetModuleClock ( timer_base ) ;
uint32_t prescale_timer = clk_timer / NU_TMRCLK_PER_SEC - 1 ;
MBED_ASSERT ( ( prescale_timer ! = ( uint32_t ) - 1 ) & & prescale_timer < = 127 ) ;
MBED_ASSERT ( ( clk_timer % NU_TMRCLK_PER_SEC ) = = 0 ) ;
uint32_t cmp_timer = TMR_CMP_MAX ;
MBED_ASSERT ( cmp_timer > = TMR_CMP_MIN & & cmp_timer < = TMR_CMP_MAX ) ;
// Continuous mode
// NOTE: TIMER_CTL_CNTDATEN_Msk exists in NUC472, but not in M451/M480/M2351/M251. In M451/M480/M2351/M251, TIMER_CNT is updated continuously by default.
timer_base - > CTL = TIMER_CONTINUOUS_MODE | prescale_timer /* | TIMER_CTL_CNTDATEN_Msk*/ ;
nu_busy_wait_us ( ( NU_US_PER_SEC / NU_TMRCLK_PER_SEC ) * 3 ) ;
timer_base - > CMP = cmp_timer ;
nu_busy_wait_us ( ( NU_US_PER_SEC / NU_TMRCLK_PER_SEC ) * 3 ) ;
// Set vector
NVIC_SetVector ( TIMER_MODINIT . irq_n , ( uint32_t ) TIMER_MODINIT . var ) ;
NVIC_DisableIRQ ( TIMER_MODINIT . irq_n ) ;
TIMER_EnableInt ( timer_base ) ;
nu_busy_wait_us ( ( NU_US_PER_SEC / NU_TMRCLK_PER_SEC ) * 3 ) ;
TIMER_EnableWakeup ( timer_base ) ;
nu_busy_wait_us ( ( NU_US_PER_SEC / NU_TMRCLK_PER_SEC ) * 3 ) ;
TIMER_Start ( timer_base ) ;
nu_busy_wait_us ( ( NU_US_PER_SEC / NU_TMRCLK_PER_SEC ) * 3 ) ;
/* Wait for timer to start counting and raise active flag */
while ( ! ( timer_base - > CTL & TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Msk ) ) ;
void lp_ticker_free ( void )
/* Disable interrupt */
NVIC_DisableIRQ ( TIMER_MODINIT . irq_n ) ;
/* Disable IP clock */
CLK_DisableModuleClock ( TIMER_MODINIT . clkidx ) ;
ticker_inited = 0 ;
timestamp_t lp_ticker_read ( )
if ( ! ticker_inited ) {
lp_ticker_init ( ) ;
TIMER_T * timer_base = ( TIMER_T * ) NU_MODBASE ( TIMER_MODINIT . modname ) ;
return ( TIMER_GetCounter ( timer_base ) / NU_TMRCLK_PER_TICK ) ;
void lp_ticker_set_interrupt ( timestamp_t timestamp )
/* Clear any previously pending interrupts */
lp_ticker_clear_interrupt ( ) ;
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ ( TIMER_MODINIT . irq_n ) ;
/* In continuous mode, counter will be reset to zero with the following sequence:
* 1. Stop counting
* 2. Configure new CMP value
* 3. Restart counting
* This behavior is not what we want . To fix it , we could configure new CMP value
* without stopping counting first .
TIMER_T * timer_base = ( TIMER_T * ) NU_MODBASE ( TIMER_MODINIT . modname ) ;
/* NOTE: Because H/W timer requests min compare value, our implementation would have alarm delay of
* ( TMR_CMP_MIN - interval_clk ) clocks when interval_clk is between [ 1 , TMR_CMP_MIN ) . */
uint32_t cmp_timer = timestamp * NU_TMRCLK_PER_TICK ;
cmp_timer = NU_CLAMP ( cmp_timer , TMR_CMP_MIN , TMR_CMP_MAX ) ;
/* NOTE: Rely on LPTICKER_DELAY_TICKS to be non-blocking. */
timer_base - > CMP = cmp_timer ;
/* We can call ticker_irq_handler now. */
NVIC_EnableIRQ ( TIMER_MODINIT . irq_n ) ;
void lp_ticker_disable_interrupt ( void )
/* We cannot call ticker_irq_handler now. */
NVIC_DisableIRQ ( TIMER_MODINIT . irq_n ) ;
void lp_ticker_clear_interrupt ( void )
/* To avoid sync issue, we clear TIF/TWKF simultaneously rather than call separate
* driver API :
* TIMER_ClearIntFlag ( ( TIMER_T * ) NU_MODBASE ( TIMER_MODINIT . modname ) ) ;
* TIMER_ClearWakeupFlag ( ( TIMER_T * ) NU_MODBASE ( TIMER_MODINIT . modname ) ) ;
TIMER_T * timer_base = ( TIMER_T * ) NU_MODBASE ( TIMER_MODINIT . modname ) ;
void lp_ticker_fire_interrupt ( void )
// NOTE: This event was in the past. Set the interrupt as pending, but don't process it here.
// This prevents a recursive loop under heavy load which can lead to a stack overflow.
NVIC_SetPendingIRQ ( TIMER_MODINIT . irq_n ) ;
/* We can call ticker_irq_handler now. */
NVIC_EnableIRQ ( TIMER_MODINIT . irq_n ) ;
const ticker_info_t * lp_ticker_get_info ( )
static const ticker_info_t info = {
} ;
return & info ;
static void tmr1_vec ( void )
lp_ticker_clear_interrupt ( ) ;
// NOTE: lp_ticker_set_interrupt() may get called in lp_ticker_irq_handler();
lp_ticker_irq_handler ( ) ;
# endif