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2013-08-06 13:38:00 +00:00
mbed SDK
Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import sys
import inspect
import os
import argparse
import math
from os import listdir, remove, makedirs
from shutil import copyfile
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
from os.path import isdir, join, exists, split, relpath, splitext, abspath
from os.path import commonprefix, normpath, dirname
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT, call
from math import ceil
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import logging
2016-10-03 21:19:30 +00:00
def remove_if_in(lst, thing):
if thing in lst:
def compile_worker(job):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""Standard task runner used for compiling
Positional argumets:
job - a dict containing a list of commands and the remaining arguments
to run_cmd
results = []
for command in job['commands']:
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
_, _stderr, _rc = run_cmd(command, work_dir=job['work_dir'],
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise ToolException
'code': _rc,
'output': _stderr,
'command': command
return {
'source': job['source'],
'object': job['object'],
'commands': job['commands'],
'results': results
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
def cmd(command, check=True, verbose=False, shell=False, cwd=None):
"""A wrapper to run a command as a blocking job"""
text = command if shell else ' '.join(command)
if verbose:
print text
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
return_code = call(command, shell=shell, cwd=cwd)
if check and return_code != 0:
raise Exception('ERROR %d: "%s"' % (return_code, text))
def run_cmd(command, work_dir=None, chroot=None, redirect=False):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""Run a command in the forground
Positional arguments:
command - the command to run
Keyword arguments:
work_dir - the working directory to run the command in
chroot - the chroot to run the command in
redirect - redirect the stderr to a pipe to be used later
if chroot:
# Conventions managed by the web team for the mbed.org build system
chroot_cmd = [
'/usr/sbin/chroot', '--userspec=33:33', chroot
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
for element in command:
chroot_cmd += [element.replace(chroot, '')]
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
logging.debug("Running command %s", ' '.join(chroot_cmd))
command = chroot_cmd
work_dir = None
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE,
stderr=STDOUT if redirect else PIPE, cwd=work_dir)
_stdout, _stderr = process.communicate()
except OSError:
print "[OS ERROR] Command: "+(' '.join(command))
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
return _stdout, _stderr, process.returncode
2014-06-11 14:51:32 +00:00
def run_cmd_ext(command):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
""" A version of run command that checks if the command exists befor running
Positional arguments:
command - the command line you are trying to invoke
assert is_cmd_valid(command[0])
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
process = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
_stdout, _stderr = process.communicate()
return _stdout, _stderr, process.returncode
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
def is_cmd_valid(command):
""" Verify that a command exists and is executable
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
Positional arguments:
command - the command to check
caller = get_caller_name()
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
cmd_path = find_cmd_abspath(command)
if not cmd_path:
error("%s: Command '%s' can't be found" % (caller, command))
if not is_exec(cmd_path):
error("%s: Command '%s' resolves to file '%s' which is not executable"
% (caller, command, cmd_path))
return True
def is_exec(path):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""A simple check to verify that a path to an executable exists
Positional arguments:
path - the executable
return os.access(path, os.X_OK) or os.access(path+'.exe', os.X_OK)
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
def find_cmd_abspath(command):
""" Returns the absolute path to a command.
None is returned if no absolute path was found.
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
Positional arguhments:
command - the command to find the path of
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
if exists(command) or exists(command + '.exe'):
return os.path.abspath(command)
if not 'PATH' in os.environ:
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
raise Exception("Can't find command path for current platform ('%s')"
% sys.platform)
path_env = os.environ['PATH']
for path in path_env.split(os.pathsep):
cmd_path = '%s/%s' % (path, command)
if exists(cmd_path) or exists(cmd_path + '.exe'):
return cmd_path
def mkdir(path):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
""" a wrapped makedirs that only tries to create a directory if it does not
exist already
Positional arguments:
path - the path to maybe create
if not exists(path):
def copy_file(src, dst):
""" Implement the behaviour of "shutil.copy(src, dst)" without copying the
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
permissions (this was causing errors with directories mounted with samba)
Positional arguments:
src - the source of the copy operation
dst - the destination of the copy operation
if isdir(dst):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
_, base = split(src)
dst = join(dst, base)
copyfile(src, dst)
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
def delete_dir_files(directory):
""" A function that does rm -rf
Positional arguments:
directory - the directory to remove
if not exists(directory):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
for element in listdir(directory):
to_remove = join(directory, element)
if not isdir(to_remove):
def get_caller_name(steps=2):
When called inside a function, it returns the name
of the caller of that function.
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
Keyword arguments:
steps - the number of steps up the stack the calling function is
return inspect.stack()[steps][3]
def error(msg):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""Fatal error, abort hard
Positional arguments:
msg - the message to print before crashing
print("ERROR: %s" % msg)
def rel_path(path, base, dot=False):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""Relative path calculation that optionaly always starts with a dot
Positional arguments:
path - the path to make relative
base - what to make the path relative to
Keyword arguments:
dot - if True, the path will always start with a './'
final_path = relpath(path, base)
if dot and not final_path.startswith('.'):
final_path = './' + final_path
return final_path
class ToolException(Exception):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""A class representing an exception throw by the tools"""
class NotSupportedException(Exception):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""A class a toolchain not supporting a particular target"""
class InvalidReleaseTargetException(Exception):
def split_path(path):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""spilt a file name into it's directory name, base name, and extension
Positional arguments:
path - the file name to split
base, has_ext = split(path)
name, ext = splitext(has_ext)
return base, name, ext
def get_path_depth(path):
""" Given a path, return the number of directory levels present.
This roughly translates to the number of path separators (os.sep) + 1.
Ex. Given "path/to/dir", this would return 3
Special cases: "." and "/" return 0
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
Positional arguments:
path - the path to calculate the depth of
normalized_path = normpath(path)
path_depth = 0
head, tail = split(normalized_path)
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
while tail and tail != '.':
path_depth += 1
head, tail = split(head)
return path_depth
def args_error(parser, message):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""Abort with an error that was generated by the arguments to a CLI program
Positional arguments:
parser - the ArgumentParser object that parsed the command line
message - what went wrong
2016-08-04 19:48:18 +00:00
2014-07-30 10:03:32 +00:00
def construct_enum(**enums):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
""" Create your own pseudo-enums
Keyword arguments:
* - a member of the Enum you are creating and it's value
2014-07-30 10:03:32 +00:00
return type('Enum', (), enums)
def check_required_modules(required_modules, verbose=True):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
""" Function checks for Python modules which should be "importable"
before test suite can be used.
@return returns True if all modules are installed already
import imp
not_installed_modules = []
for module_name in required_modules:
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
except ImportError:
# We also test against a rare case: module is an egg file
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
except ImportError as exc:
if verbose:
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
print "Error: %s" % exc
if verbose:
if not_installed_modules:
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
print ("Warning: Module(s) %s not installed. Please install " + \
"required module(s) before using this script.")\
% (', '.join(not_installed_modules))
if not_installed_modules:
return False
return True
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
def dict_to_ascii(dictionary):
""" Utility function: traverse a dictionary and change all the strings in
the dictionary to ASCII from Unicode. Useful when reading ASCII JSON data,
because the JSON decoder always returns Unicode string. Based on
Positional arguments:
dictionary - The dict that contains some Unicode that should be ASCII
if isinstance(dictionary, dict):
return OrderedDict([(dict_to_ascii(key), dict_to_ascii(value))
for key, value in dictionary.iteritems()])
elif isinstance(dictionary, list):
return [dict_to_ascii(element) for element in dictionary]
elif isinstance(dictionary, unicode):
return dictionary.encode('ascii')
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
return dictionary
def json_file_to_dict(fname):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
""" Read a JSON file and return its Python representation, transforming all
the strings from Unicode to ASCII. The order of keys in the JSON file is
Positional arguments:
fname - the name of the file to parse
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
with open(fname, "r") as file_obj:
return dict_to_ascii(json.load(file_obj,
except (ValueError, IOError):
sys.stderr.write("Error parsing '%s':\n" % fname)
# Wowza, double closure
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
def argparse_type(casedness, prefer_hyphen=False):
def middle(lst, type_name):
def parse_type(string):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
""" validate that an argument passed in (as string) is a member of
the list of possible arguments. Offer a suggestion if the case of
the string, or the hyphens/underscores do not match the expected
style of the argument.
if prefer_hyphen:
newstring = casedness(string).replace("_", "-")
newstring = casedness(string).replace("-", "_")
if string in lst:
return string
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
elif string not in lst and newstring in lst:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"{0} is not a supported {1}. Did you mean {2}?".format(
string, type_name, newstring))
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"{0} is not a supported {1}. Supported {1}s are:\n{2}".
format(string, type_name, columnate(lst)))
return parse_type
return middle
# short cuts for the argparse_type versions
argparse_uppercase_type = argparse_type(str.upper, False)
argparse_lowercase_type = argparse_type(str.lower, False)
argparse_uppercase_hyphen_type = argparse_type(str.upper, True)
argparse_lowercase_hyphen_type = argparse_type(str.lower, True)
def argparse_force_type(case):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
""" validate that an argument passed in (as string) is a member of the list
of possible arguments after converting it's case.
def middle(lst, type_name):
""" The parser type generator"""
def parse_type(string):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
""" The parser type"""
for option in lst:
if case(string) == case(option):
return option
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"{0} is not a supported {1}. Supported {1}s are:\n{2}".
format(string, type_name, columnate(lst)))
return parse_type
return middle
# these two types convert the case of their arguments _before_ validation
argparse_force_uppercase_type = argparse_force_type(str.upper)
argparse_force_lowercase_type = argparse_force_type(str.lower)
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
def argparse_many(func):
""" An argument parser combinator that takes in an argument parser and
creates a new parser that accepts a comma separated list of the same thing.
def wrap(string):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
""" The actual parser"""
return [func(s) for s in string.split(",")]
return wrap
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
def argparse_filestring_type(string):
""" An argument parser that verifies that a string passed in corresponds
to a file"""
if exists(string):
return string
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"{0}"" does not exist in the filesystem.".format(string))
def argparse_profile_filestring_type(string):
""" An argument parser that verifies that a string passed in is either
absolute path or a file name (expanded to
mbed-os/tools/profiles/<fname>.json) of a existing file"""
fpath = join(dirname(__file__), "profiles/{}.json".format(string))
if exists(string):
return string
elif exists(fpath):
return fpath
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"{0} does not exist in the filesystem.".format(string))
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
def columnate(strings, separator=", ", chars=80):
""" render a list of strings as a in a bunch of columns
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
Positional arguments:
strings - the strings to columnate
Keyword arguments;
separator - the separation between the columns
chars - the maximum with of a row
col_width = max(len(s) for s in strings)
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
total_width = col_width + len(separator)
columns = math.floor(chars / total_width)
output = ""
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
for i, string in zip(range(len(strings)), strings):
append = string
if i != len(strings) - 1:
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
append += separator
if i % columns == columns - 1:
append += "\n"
append = append.ljust(total_width)
output += append
return output
def argparse_dir_not_parent(other):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""fail if argument provided is a parent of the specified directory"""
def parse_type(not_parent):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
"""The parser type"""
abs_other = abspath(other)
abs_not_parent = abspath(not_parent)
if abs_not_parent == commonprefix([abs_not_parent, abs_other]):
2016-07-27 16:30:47 +00:00
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
"{0} may not be a parent directory of {1}".format(
not_parent, other))
return not_parent
return parse_type
def argparse_deprecate(replacement_message):
"""fail if argument is provided with deprecation warning"""
def parse_type(_):
"""The parser type"""
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Deprecated." + replacement_message)
return parse_type
def print_large_string(large_string):
""" Breaks a string up into smaller pieces before print them
This is a limitation within Windows, as detailed here:
Positional arguments:
large_string - the large string to print
string_limit = 1000
large_string_len = len(large_string)
num_parts = int(ceil(float(large_string_len) / float(string_limit)))
for string_part in range(num_parts):
start_index = string_part * string_limit
if string_part == num_parts - 1:
print large_string[start_index:]
end_index = ((string_part + 1) * string_limit) - 1
print large_string[start_index:end_index],