2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
"""Just a template for subclassing"""
import uuid, shutil, os, logging, fnmatch
2013-11-15 18:59:19 +00:00
from os import walk, remove
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
from os.path import join, dirname, isdir, split
2013-11-15 18:59:19 +00:00
from copy import copy
2014-06-21 14:35:32 +00:00
from jinja2 import Template, FileSystemLoader
from jinja2.environment import Environment
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
from contextlib import closing
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
2013-11-14 16:24:51 +00:00
from workspace_tools.utils import mkdir
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
from workspace_tools.toolchains import TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES
2013-04-19 13:59:13 +00:00
from workspace_tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
2015-11-30 19:48:24 +00:00
from project_generator.generate import Generator
from project_generator.project import Project
from project_generator.settings import ProjectSettings
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
class OldLibrariesException(Exception): pass
2015-11-30 19:48:24 +00:00
class Exporter(object):
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
TEMPLATE_DIR = dirname(__file__)
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2014-11-11 14:56:26 +00:00
def __init__(self, target, inputDir, program_name, build_url_resolver, extra_symbols=None):
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
self.inputDir = inputDir
self.target = target
self.program_name = program_name
2013-09-17 14:56:35 +00:00
self.toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[self.get_toolchain()](TARGET_MAP[target])
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
self.build_url_resolver = build_url_resolver
2014-06-21 14:35:32 +00:00
jinja_loader = FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
self.jinja_environment = Environment(loader=jinja_loader)
2014-11-11 14:56:26 +00:00
self.extra_symbols = extra_symbols
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-09-17 14:56:35 +00:00
def get_toolchain(self):
return self.TOOLCHAIN
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
def __scan_and_copy(self, src_path, trg_path):
resources = self.toolchain.scan_resources(src_path)
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-11-14 16:24:51 +00:00
for r_type in ['headers', 's_sources', 'c_sources', 'cpp_sources',
'objects', 'libraries', 'linker_script',
2015-02-04 10:29:31 +00:00
'lib_builds', 'lib_refs', 'repo_files', 'hex_files', 'bin_files']:
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
r = getattr(resources, r_type)
if r:
2013-06-14 16:32:15 +00:00
self.toolchain.copy_files(r, trg_path, rel_path=src_path)
2013-11-14 16:24:51 +00:00
return resources
2013-11-15 18:59:19 +00:00
2016-01-05 21:53:26 +00:00
def progen_get_project_data(self):
2015-11-30 19:48:24 +00:00
""" Get ProGen project data """
# provide default data, some tools don't require any additional
# tool specific settings
sources = []
for r_type in ['c_sources', 'cpp_sources', 's_sources']:
for file in getattr(self.resources, r_type):
project_data = {
'common': {
2015-12-30 19:36:39 +00:00
'sources': {
'Source Files': sources + self.resources.hex_files +
self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries,
'includes': {
2016-03-02 09:29:30 +00:00
'Include Files': self.resources.headers,
2015-12-30 19:36:39 +00:00
2016-02-24 17:58:53 +00:00
'target': [TARGET_MAP[self.target].progen['target']],
2015-11-30 19:48:24 +00:00
'macros': self.get_symbols(),
'export_dir': [self.inputDir],
'linker_file': [self.resources.linker_script],
return project_data
2016-01-05 21:53:26 +00:00
def progen_gen_file(self, tool_name, project_data):
"""" Generate project using ProGen Project API """
settings = ProjectSettings()
project = Project(self.program_name, [project_data], settings)
2016-03-02 09:29:30 +00:00
# TODO: Fix this, the inc_dirs are not valid (our scripts copy files), therefore progen
# thinks it is not dict but a file, and adds them to workspace.
project.project['common']['include_paths'] = self.resources.inc_dirs
2016-01-05 21:53:26 +00:00
project.generate(tool_name, copied=True)
2013-11-15 18:59:19 +00:00
def __scan_all(self, path):
resources = []
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-11-15 18:59:19 +00:00
for root, dirs, files in walk(path):
for d in copy(dirs):
if d == '.' or d == '..':
for file in files:
file_path = join(root, file)
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-11-15 18:59:19 +00:00
return resources
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
def scan_and_copy_resources(self, prj_path, trg_path):
# Copy only the file for the required target and toolchain
lib_builds = []
for src in ['lib', 'src']:
2013-11-14 16:24:51 +00:00
resources = self.__scan_and_copy(join(prj_path, src), trg_path)
2013-11-15 18:59:19 +00:00
# The repository files
for repo_dir in resources.repo_dirs:
repo_files = self.__scan_all(repo_dir)
self.toolchain.copy_files(repo_files, trg_path, rel_path=join(prj_path, src))
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
# The libraries builds
for bld in lib_builds:
build_url = open(bld).read().strip()
lib_data = self.build_url_resolver(build_url)
lib_path = lib_data['path'].rstrip('\\/')
self.__scan_and_copy(lib_path, join(trg_path, lib_data['name']))
2013-11-15 18:59:19 +00:00
# Create .hg dir in mbed build dir so it's ignored when versioning
2013-11-14 16:24:51 +00:00
hgdir = join(trg_path, lib_data['name'], '.hg')
fhandle = file(join(hgdir, 'keep.me'), 'a')
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
# Final scan of the actual exported resources
self.resources = self.toolchain.scan_resources(trg_path)
self.resources.relative_to(trg_path, self.DOT_IN_RELATIVE_PATH)
# Check the existence of a binary build of the mbed library for the desired target
# This prevents exporting the mbed libraries from source
# if not self.toolchain.mbed_libs:
# raise OldLibrariesException()
2013-11-15 18:59:19 +00:00
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
def gen_file(self, template_file, data, target_file):
template_path = join(Exporter.TEMPLATE_DIR, template_file)
2014-06-21 14:35:32 +00:00
template = self.jinja_environment.get_template(template_file)
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
target_text = template.render(data)
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
target_path = join(self.inputDir, target_file)
logging.debug("Generating: %s" % target_path)
open(target_path, "w").write(target_text)
2014-11-11 14:56:26 +00:00
def get_symbols(self, add_extra_symbols=True):
""" This function returns symbols which must be exported.
Please add / overwrite symbols in each exporter separately
symbols = self.toolchain.get_symbols()
# We have extra symbols from e.g. libraries, we want to have them also added to export
if add_extra_symbols:
if self.extra_symbols is not None:
return symbols
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
def zip_working_directory_and_clean_up(tempdirectory=None, destination=None, program_name=None, clean=True):
uid = str(uuid.uuid4())
zipfilename = '%s.zip'%uid
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
logging.debug("Zipping up %s to %s" % (tempdirectory, join(destination, zipfilename)))
# make zip
def zipdir(basedir, archivename):
assert isdir(basedir)
fakeroot = program_name + '/'
with closing(ZipFile(archivename, "w", ZIP_DEFLATED)) as z:
for root, _, files in os.walk(basedir):
# NOTE: ignore empty directories
for fn in files:
absfn = join(root, fn)
zfn = fakeroot + '/' + absfn[len(basedir)+len(os.sep):]
z.write(absfn, zfn)
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
zipdir(tempdirectory, join(destination, zipfilename))
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
if clean:
2014-05-29 13:42:03 +00:00
2013-02-18 15:32:11 +00:00
return join(destination, zipfilename)