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"""Just a template for subclassing"""
import uuid, shutil, os, logging, fnmatch
from os import walk, remove
from os.path import join, dirname, isdir, split
from copy import copy
from jinja2 import Template, FileSystemLoader
from jinja2.environment import Environment
from contextlib import closing
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
from workspace_tools.utils import mkdir
from workspace_tools.toolchains import TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES
2013-04-19 13:59:13 +00:00
from workspace_tools.targets import TARGET_MAP
from project_generator.generate import Generator
from project_generator.project import Project
from project_generator.settings import ProjectSettings
class OldLibrariesException(Exception): pass
class Exporter(object):
TEMPLATE_DIR = dirname(__file__)
def __init__(self, target, inputDir, program_name, build_url_resolver, extra_symbols=None):
self.inputDir = inputDir
self.target = target
self.program_name = program_name
self.toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES[self.get_toolchain()](TARGET_MAP[target])
self.build_url_resolver = build_url_resolver
jinja_loader = FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
self.jinja_environment = Environment(loader=jinja_loader)
self.extra_symbols = extra_symbols
def get_toolchain(self):
return self.TOOLCHAIN
def __scan_and_copy(self, src_path, trg_path):
resources = self.toolchain.scan_resources(src_path)
for r_type in ['headers', 's_sources', 'c_sources', 'cpp_sources',
'objects', 'libraries', 'linker_script',
'lib_builds', 'lib_refs', 'repo_files', 'hex_files', 'bin_files']:
r = getattr(resources, r_type)
if r:
self.toolchain.copy_files(r, trg_path, rel_path=src_path)
return resources
def progen_get_project_data(self):
""" Get ProGen project data """
# provide default data, some tools don't require any additional
# tool specific settings
sources = []
for r_type in ['c_sources', 'cpp_sources', 's_sources']:
for file in getattr(self.resources, r_type):
project_data = {
'common': {
'sources': {
'Source Files': sources + self.resources.hex_files +
self.resources.objects + self.resources.libraries,
'includes': {
'Include Files': self.resources.headers,
'target': [TARGET_MAP[self.target].progen['target']],
'macros': self.get_symbols(),
'export_dir': [self.inputDir],
'linker_file': [self.resources.linker_script],
return project_data
def progen_gen_file(self, tool_name, project_data):
"""" Generate project using ProGen Project API """
settings = ProjectSettings()
project = Project(self.program_name, [project_data], settings)
# TODO: Fix this, the inc_dirs are not valid (our scripts copy files), therefore progen
# thinks it is not dict but a file, and adds them to workspace.
project.project['common']['include_paths'] = self.resources.inc_dirs
project.generate(tool_name, copied=True)
def __scan_all(self, path):
resources = []
for root, dirs, files in walk(path):
for d in copy(dirs):
if d == '.' or d == '..':
for file in files:
file_path = join(root, file)
return resources
def scan_and_copy_resources(self, prj_path, trg_path):
# Copy only the file for the required target and toolchain
lib_builds = []
for src in ['lib', 'src']:
resources = self.__scan_and_copy(join(prj_path, src), trg_path)
# The repository files
for repo_dir in resources.repo_dirs:
repo_files = self.__scan_all(repo_dir)
self.toolchain.copy_files(repo_files, trg_path, rel_path=join(prj_path, src))
# The libraries builds
for bld in lib_builds:
build_url = open(bld).read().strip()
lib_data = self.build_url_resolver(build_url)
lib_path = lib_data['path'].rstrip('\\/')
self.__scan_and_copy(lib_path, join(trg_path, lib_data['name']))
# Create .hg dir in mbed build dir so it's ignored when versioning
hgdir = join(trg_path, lib_data['name'], '.hg')
fhandle = file(join(hgdir, 'keep.me'), 'a')
# Final scan of the actual exported resources
self.resources = self.toolchain.scan_resources(trg_path)
self.resources.relative_to(trg_path, self.DOT_IN_RELATIVE_PATH)
# Check the existence of a binary build of the mbed library for the desired target
# This prevents exporting the mbed libraries from source
# if not self.toolchain.mbed_libs:
# raise OldLibrariesException()
def gen_file(self, template_file, data, target_file):
template_path = join(Exporter.TEMPLATE_DIR, template_file)
template = self.jinja_environment.get_template(template_file)
target_text = template.render(data)
target_path = join(self.inputDir, target_file)
logging.debug("Generating: %s" % target_path)
open(target_path, "w").write(target_text)
def get_symbols(self, add_extra_symbols=True):
""" This function returns symbols which must be exported.
Please add / overwrite symbols in each exporter separately
symbols = self.toolchain.get_symbols()
# We have extra symbols from e.g. libraries, we want to have them also added to export
if add_extra_symbols:
if self.extra_symbols is not None:
return symbols
def zip_working_directory_and_clean_up(tempdirectory=None, destination=None, program_name=None, clean=True):
uid = str(uuid.uuid4())
zipfilename = '%s.zip'%uid
logging.debug("Zipping up %s to %s" % (tempdirectory, join(destination, zipfilename)))
# make zip
def zipdir(basedir, archivename):
assert isdir(basedir)
fakeroot = program_name + '/'
with closing(ZipFile(archivename, "w", ZIP_DEFLATED)) as z:
for root, _, files in os.walk(basedir):
# NOTE: ignore empty directories
for fn in files:
absfn = join(root, fn)
zfn = fakeroot + '/' + absfn[len(basedir)+len(os.sep):]
z.write(absfn, zfn)
zipdir(tempdirectory, join(destination, zipfilename))
if clean:
return join(destination, zipfilename)